这里是妙妙猫BBS,版主是我妙妙猫。诸位师兄师姐学弟学妹,有什么短小精悍、以一当十、说出来能让人有滋有味地嚼上半天的话,尽管寄给我。寄什么?没上过网,没见过BBS吗?真out……(喵!谁踩我的尾巴?)就是说你看过的对生活、对校园妙不可言的、一针见血的、发人深省的、会心一笑的,简单明了地说,就是时尚之语录、惊人之言论、浓缩之精华……(喵!莫踩尾巴呀!)主编说了,这不是南腔北调、只言片语,这是闪光的碎片。闪光!碎片! 听清:谁要敢灌水,哼,看我斑竹的厉害! (……喵!!!这次又没说错话,干嘛又踩尾巴?!)
Here is the wonderful cat BBS, the moderator is my wonderful cat. The brothers and sisters, brothers, sisters and brothers and sisters, are sent to me if they are short and concise, and when they say something that can make people happily chewing for a long time. What did you post? Didn’t go to the net, hadn’t seen the BBS? Really out...(Hey! Who stepped on my tail?) That means you’ve seen life, wonderful words on the campus, thought-provoking, The people who smiled in a heart-to-hearted, straightforward way, said that it was the quotations of fashion, the amazing words, the essence of concentration... (Hey! Mo stepping on their tails!) The editor said that this is not a south-north tones, but a few words. This is a fragment of flash. Flash! Fragment! Hear: Whoever dares to pour water, hey, look at my masterpiece! (... 喵 这 这 没 没 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这!)