
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonyyang
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In this paper,a third-generation dry gas-to-ethylbenzene process in a factory of PetroChina is considered.For the gradual catalyst deactivation in the alkylation reactor,a model is established with the parameters estimated from the reaction rate equation of alkylation based on the on-site data and those from laboratory analysis. The real-time dynamic simulation of the alkylation process is carried out,in which the module accuracy is ensured by using OPC(Object linking and embedding for Process Control)technique and adaptive correction of model parameters.Both the current and future operation temperature can be predicted. In this paper, a third-generation dry gas-to-ethylbenzene process in a factory of PetroChina is considered. For the gradual catalyst deactivation in the alkylation reactor, a model is established with the parameters estimated from the reaction rate equation of alkylation based on the on-site data and those from laboratory analysis. The real-time dynamic simulation of the alkylation process is carried out, in which the module accuracy is verified by using OPC (Object linking and embedding for Process Control) technique and adaptive correction of model parameters.Both the current and future operation temperature can be predicted.
内容简介进京赶考名落孙山的杜家兴刚回到家乡德州县城,就被“拉郎配”拖进县太爷家,县太爷强行让他娶自己奇丑无比的女儿。杜家兴将计就计假意应亲, Content brief introdu
写下的彼岸 落在纸上  隔岸观火的人 有凝固之美  把纸点燃 彼岸成为灰烬  一个人无所事事  总重复做这些百无聊赖的事  只可惜了彼岸 无辜生死  它不被停靠 不依期待  无风 也没有水波咿咿呀呀  像一位落掉所有牙齿的寡人  当然更像是我 满怀的爱无處安放  每天反复被时光之刷 反复刷
第七届中国-武汉法国电影展映在武汉、北京、上海、成都、广州五地同时举行,期间集中展示了2008年以来法国独具特色的一流影片,包括故事片7部,除《密码疑云》外其它6 The 7t
随着西部大开发战略的实施,中国将大规模开发利用柴达木盆地丰富的钾肥资源,并将其建成重要的钾肥生产基地。 位于青海省西部的柴达木盆地拥有40多种矿产资源,其中湖盐、钾