,Odd-even harmonic emission from asymmetric molecules: Identifying the mechanism

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyang_520
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We study odd-even high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from oriented asymmetric molecules HeH2+ numerically and analytically.The variational method is used to improve the analytical description of the ground-state wave function for the asymmetric system,with which the ground-state-continuum-state transition dipole is evaluated.The comparison between the odd-even HHG spectra and the improved dipoles allows us to identify and clarify the complex generation mechanism of odd-even harmonics from asymmetric molecules,providing deep insights into the relation between the odd-even HHG and the asymmetric molecular orbital.
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一棵瘦小的桑树,承载着我童年的美好回忆。   那是一个周日上午,我为了完成老师布置的作业——每人种下一棵小树,和妈妈来到果树苗市场。“妈妈,我想要栽一棵桑树!”我指着一棵桑树苗,坚定地说道。为什么我想要栽桑树呢?因为我养了蚕宝宝。我喜欢看它们蠕动着小小的身躯吃新鲜桑叶的模样。   刚回到家,我便在奶奶的菜园里忙碌起来:挖坑、种下桑树苗、填土、浇水......我一边忙碌一边憧憬着桑树苗长大的模样,脑
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青石板路依旧斑驳。阳光温热,落在我的肩头。   我漫步在街头,突然,一阵细细的喧嚣声吸引了我的注意。循声望去,看见一间古色古香的店铺,招牌上题五个大字:生煎何太急。这几个字让我不由想起“本是同根生,相煎何太急”这句诗。   这家店的设施十分简单,只有几张暗红的小桌与木凳。店员虽然少,只有一对年老和蔼的夫妇,但顾客不少。那对夫妇忙碌着,细细的汗珠从额头上渗出,眼中却是包裹不住的笑意与温暖。他们揉搓面