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自新一届中央领导集体执政以来,党的群众路线教育实践活动迅速在全国展开。从中央到地方,从白山黑水到高原戈壁,从长城内外到黄河两岸,无一不被党的教育实践活动一浪高过一浪的活动热潮所笼罩。应该说,党的教育实践活动,是党中央站在时代发展的高度,立足国际国内形势,做出的一次高瞻远瞩、影响深远、事关国家发展稳定大局的深刻决定。对于一名普通的新闻工作者来说,要践行、落实好党的群众路线教育实践活动,让新闻宣传工作永葆生机和活力,就必须充分认识践行党的群众路线教育的重要意义和价值,坚守新闻从业人员的职业道德和操守,让媒体关注的目光聚焦基层,把新闻宣传的重点向普通群众倾斜,使新闻宣传真正成为一面镜子能反映最真实的基层状况;成为一个喇叭,能传递最动听的群众声音。 Since the new Central Leadership Group took the ruling party, the mass line education practice of the party has been rapidly launched across the country. From the center to the place, from the Baishan blackwater to the plateau Gobi, both from the inside and outside the Great Wall to the banks of the Yellow River, are all over the wave of waves of activities by the Party’s educational practice activities. It should be said that the party’s education practice is a profound decision made by the party Central Committee on the height of the times and based on the international and domestic situations and with a forward-looking vision of far-reaching effects on the overall situation of national development and stability. For an ordinary journalist, to practice and carry out the education and practice activities of the mass line of the Party so that the publicity and publicity work can always maintain its vigor and vitality, we must fully understand the importance of practicing the mass line education of the Party and Value, adhere to the professional ethics and ethics of journalists, focus the media attention to the grass-roots level, the focus of public information tilt to the general public, so that the news media really become a mirror to reflect the most real grass-roots situation; to become a speaker, can Pass the most pleasant mass voice.
本文梳理吉林省高校办高水平运动队的历史进程,查找现阶段吉林省高校高水平运动队的办队发展模式特征,研究吉林省高校办队存在的问题并提出相应的解决办法。 This article c