
来源 :河北教育(德育版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haideliliang
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诚实,是做人的准则。人民教师要为人师表,教育学生诚实做人,自己则应该率先垂范。然而,在十几年的班主任工作中,遇有特殊情况,却不得不违背诚实的初衷,挖空心思,运用多种技巧骗学生。这种“骗”有针对性地维护了学生利益,使不少学生收获了成功,也让一些学生家庭和谐美满。有两个例子记忆犹新。2008年春天,离高考还有两个月。晚上九点多,一个高个子男生拿着户口本和独生子女证闯进办公室,抱住我,哭着说:“老师,我不是 Honest, is a guide to man. People’s teachers should be good teachers, educate students to be honest, and you should take the lead in setting examples. However, in more than a decade of class teacher work, there are special circumstances, but they have to go against their honest original intention, find their own ways and use a variety of skills to lie to students. This ”cheat “ targeted to protect the interests of students, so that many students gain success, but also to make some students happy and harmonious family. There are two examples fresh memories. Spring 2008, there are two months away from the college entrance examination. Nine o’clock in the evening, a tall man holding a registered permanent residence permit and broke the card into the office, hugged me and cried: ”Teacher, I am not
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8月3日,中国石化集团公司与日本日立公司6万t/a聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT)装置技术引进项目签约仪式在仪征化纤公司举行,标志着仪征化纤6万t/a PBT项目建设迈出实质性的一步。