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异族效应(other-race effect)是一种在面孔加工研究领域中被研究者广为熟之的一种社会性知觉现象。具体而言,就是指个体识别异族面孔的成绩显著低于本族面孔。大量的研究证据表明个体在知觉他人的情绪面孔时,会表现出明显的异族面孔效应。但就目前而言,研究者还不了解自上而下的情绪预期(top-down emotional prediction)是如何影响面孔识别过程中的异族效应。本研究采用线索-目标范式(cue-target)对该问题进行了考察,实验通过操纵“一致试次”的比率,来区分预期(75%的“一致”实验试次)与非预期实验条件(50%的“一致”实验试次)。本实验招募28名健康的大学生被试(12名女性,16名男性)参加正式实验,这些被试无精神疾病、情绪障碍、视力缺陷等疾病。实验后,每一名被试都获得一定的实验报酬。实验结果发现,在正性和负性情绪不预期条件下,个体表现出了对异族面孔的识别劣势,即个体识别异族面孔表情的反应时更长。虽然在负性情绪预期条件下,个体仍然表现出了对异族面孔的识别劣势,但在正性情绪预期条件下,个体对异族面孔的这种识别劣势却消失。这些研究结果表明先前的正性面孔情绪预期有效地消除了异族效应。因此,可以认为自上而下的情绪预期可能是一种促进劣势知觉加工的认知管理策略。 Other-race effects are a type of social perceptual phenomenon that is well-known to researchers in the field of face processing. Specifically, it refers to the individual recognition of interracial faces significantly lower than the performance of their own faces. A lot of research evidence shows that individuals perceive the emotional faces of others, they will show obvious interracial face effects. But for the moment, researchers are not yet aware of how top-down emotional prediction affects interracial effects in face recognition. This study examined the problem using a cue-target paradigm that discriminated between the expected (75% of “consistent” experimental trials) and the non-uniform Expected experimental conditions (50% “consistent” experiment). The experiment recruited 28 healthy college students (12 females and 16 males) to participate in the formal experiment. These subjects did not have mental illness, mood disorders, vision defects and other diseases. After the experiment, each participant received some experimental reward. The experimental results show that under the condition of the positive and negative emotions being unforeseen, the individual shows the disadvantage of recognizing the alien face, that is, the individual’s response to the interracial face expression is longer. Although under the condition of negative sentiment expectation, individuals still show the inferiority of recognizing interracial faces, under the expectation of positive sentiment, the dissidence of individuals to interracial faces disappears. These findings suggest that prior positive face emotions are expected to effectively eliminate alien effects. Therefore, it can be considered that the top-down emotional expectation may be a cognitive management strategy to promote inferiority perception processing.
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Playback Theatre,发源自美国,中文译作"一人一故事剧场",也有人称为"倒带剧场"、"重播剧场"等,是一种独创的戏剧类型,并具有特殊的表演结构。本文将该剧场的演出结构划归为