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孝义市公安局交警大队为认真贯彻国务院新修订的(信访条例)和中 央政法委组织开展的“规范执法行为,促进执法公正”专项整治活动,以实 际行动践行“三个代表”重要思想,落实以人为本、执法为民的要求,全面 推进交警工作和交警队伍建设,根据公安部、省厅及市公安局的统一部署 和要求,自5月12日开始至9月上旬开展了集中接待、处理群众信访问 题工作。 为使此项工作取得实效,该局制定的指导思想是:以邓小平理论和 “三个代表”重要思想及党的十六大、十六届四中全会为指导,认真贯彻实 施国务院《信访条例》,按照以人为本的要求,坚持执法为民,集中时间,集 中力量,由机关领导面对面地接待信访群众,集中处理由交通事故、执法 不公等引起的信访问题,切实维护人民群众的合法权益。 通过处理群众信访案件,一要解决好群众上访特别是上访老户反映 的符合政策的问题和困难,以预防事故、减少死亡为重点,引深“阳光作 业”机制,建立公开、公平、公亚、高效的事故预防处理机制。二要及时发现 公安民警在执法活动中、内部管理中存在的突出问题,发现交警工作中存 在的薄弱环节,发现制度、体制等方面存在的漏洞,有针对性地采取整改 措施,切实加强和改进交警大队队伍建设。 为了搞好这项工作,大队成立了领导组,组长由大队长高泽民担任, 下设办公室。重点解决群众反映的以下问题:1. 大队民警对群众报警、求 助等应当受理而不予受理。2. 民警对事故案件查处不及时、不得力,特别 是对交通肇事逃逸案件久侦未破等问题。3. 公路“三乱”问题以及民警执 In order to conscientiously implement the new revision (letter and visit regulations) of the State Council and the special rectification activities “to regulate law enforcement activities and promote the fairness of law enforcement” organized by the Central Political and Legal Committee, the traffic police brigade of Xiaoyi Municipal Public Security Bureau implemented the important thought of “Three Represents” , The implementation of the people-oriented, law enforcement for the people’s requirements, and comprehensively promote traffic police and traffic police force construction, according to the Ministry of public security, ministries and municipal public security bureau’s unified arrangements and requirements, from May 12 to early September to carry out a centralized reception, Deal with the masses of letters and visits work. In order to make this work a success, the guiding ideology set by the Bureau is: Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, the 16th CPC Congress and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the letter and visit regulations of the State Council In accordance with the requirements of people-oriented, adhere to the law enforcement for the people, concentrate time and concentrate on the leadership received by the authorities face to face the petitioners, focus on handling letters and visits caused by traffic accidents, law enforcement and other unfairness, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Through the handling of mass petitions cases, we must first solve the problems and difficulties in line with the policies of the masses petitioned, especially the petitioners and seniors, focus on prevention of accidents and deaths, deepen the “sunshine operation” mechanism and establish an open and fair , Efficient accident prevention and treatment mechanism. Second, we must promptly find the public security police in the law enforcement activities, the outstanding problems in internal management, found the weak links in the work of traffic police found that the system, system and other aspects of the loopholes, targeted to take corrective measures to effectively strengthen and improve Traffic police brigade team building. In order to do a good job, the brigade set up a leading group, headed by the captain Gao Zemin, set up under the office. Focus on solving the following problems reflected by the masses: 1. Brigade police on the police, help, etc. should be accepted and not be accepted. 2. The investigation of the accident cases by the police is not timely and ineffective, especially for long-term detection of traffic escape cases. 3. Highway “three chaos” issue and police enforcement
2004年经清徐县“双评”办考核,清徐县通信分公司在全县46家参 评单位中被评为先进单位,同年,又被太原市通信公司评为文明单位, 并受到奖励。 今年,该分公司党支部按照中央和省、
【摘要】随着微博、微信、微电影等微字头的产品大行其道,微时代逐渐的到来,成为了人们不可分开的一部分。随着网络技术的不断发展,MOOC作为一种新型的知识学习方式,逐渐的进入到学生们的生活之中,微课时代到来。本文首先对MOOC进行解释和知识的普及,其次再分析了现在英语教学中的网络教学现状,最后结合具体实际阐述微课模式对于英语教学的启示。  【关键词】MOOC 微课模式 高职英语教学  近些年来,以“微
摘要:目前,中國社会的转型正向着民主、自由、人权的方向发展,正寻求现代法治在中国的扎根之道,笔者从川岛武宜先生的《现代化与法》得到启示:中国法律现代化的关键乃是法律意识的现代化,终归是私权意识的培育。  关键词:主体性法意识;法律现代化;私权意识    现代法制建设是否成功,不仅取决于政治的力量,也有赖于学术的质量。提高学术质量的途径不外乎三条:弘扬文化遗产、进行知识创新以及输入海外学说。中国社会
2012年2月15日,微博时尚大V韩火火发了一张巴黎时装周的照片。照片中他戴着金属皮革手环,拿着金色信封包,脚上踩着一双黑色老头布鞋,并写道:“Look of the week:Johobull迷彩外套,Chole 2010 AW皮上衣,BALMAIN皮裤,Celine Classic包,内联升老汉鞋。真冷啊……最近爱上迷彩。”    韩火火的混搭穿法在时尚圈引起轰动,内联升的这款布鞋很快卖断了货
咖啡越来越成为热IP的当下,连有着千年历史的中草药,也要放低身段跟它做朋友。    “江南药王,胡庆余堂”这句广告语可谓家喻户晓。提起“胡庆余堂”,人们首先想到的是红顶商人胡雪岩和他地地道道的中草药材。2016年,这家有着三百多年历史的中药店铺在杭州开了两家新店。新店里没有“坐堂大夫”,也没有“地道药材”,有的是当下时髦的咖啡和各式冷饮。  这家名为“HERBS EXPRESSO”(以下简称HE)