
来源 :山西体育科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhongbo
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短跑运动训练体系下的力量训练是短跑的重要训练内容。而现代短跑训练无论是理论的发展还是技术的革新都对运动员核心力量提出了很高的要求。从而也促使教练员进一步转变了短跑力量训练的观念,拓展了短跑力量训练的内容,丰富了短跑力量训练的方法和手段。短跑以核心力量为重点,强调与之平衡、协调的肢节力量(特别是踝关节的反应力量)的体系性力量训练理论,已逐步被越来越多的教练员接受并附诸实施。而发展提高核心环节的力量素质对青少年短跑运动员显得尤为重要。 Strength training under the system of sprint training is an important training content of sprint. The modern sprint training both in theory and technological innovation have put forward high demands on the core strength of athletes. Which also prompted coaches to further change the concept of sprint strength training, expand the sprint strength training content, enriching the sprint strength training methods and means. The systematic strength training theory that the sprinter focuses on the core forces and emphasizes the balance and coordination of limb strength (especially the reaction force of the ankle) has gradually been accepted and implemented by more and more coaches. The development of improving the quality of the core links of the young sprinter is particularly important.
目的 从1158株金黄色葡萄球菌中,检出一株利奈唑胺耐药的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌.通过MLST-spa-SCC分型、同源性分析以23S rRNA点突变进行检测,研究其产生的机制,指导临床
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画面漫溢的柔美气息,人物性情自然流露的状态加之笔墨晕染的自如运用,使得石建国笔下的水墨人物呈现出独特于世、别致于人的意味。 The soft and breathtaking breath of th