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根据《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》提出的“帮助贫困地区培训人才、推广技术沟通信息、发展经济技术合作”的要求,广播电影电视部、电子工业部、国务院贫困地区经济开发办公室、经济日报社共同组织了“信息扶贫致富工程”。这项工程实施以来,进展顺利,初显成效。信息扶贫致富工程的目的“信息扶贫致富工程”作为贯彻落实《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》的一项重要措施,其目的是充分利用我国现有的基础信息设施和信息技术,在贫困地区与全国广大经济发达地区之间架起一座信息沟通的桥梁,改变信息闭塞、经济落后的状态,引导广大干部群众转变观念,走上信息开放和经济开放之路,更有效地和经济发达地区实行经济技术协作与交流,更有效地利用当地资源搞好经济工作,提高自身“造血”功能,保证《八七扶贫攻坚计划》的顺利实现。在信息扶贫的同时,提高县(市)级办公自动化水平,与金桥工程接轨。信息扶贫致富工程网络建设建立一个覆盖全国的经济信息网络是信息扶贫能否取得成功的关键。信息扶贫的重点对象是全国 According to the requirements of “National Talents for Poverty Alleviation in August, 1987”, “Training Talents, Promoting Technical Communication and Developing Economic and Technical Cooperation in Poverty-Stricken Areas”, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television, the Ministry of Electronics Industry, the Economic Development Office of the Poor in the State Council, Daily newspaper co-organized the “information poverty alleviation project ”. Since the implementation of this project, it has proceeded smoothly and has achieved initial success. The Purpose of Information Poverty Alleviation and Prosperity Project The “Information Poverty Alleviation and Construction Project” is an important measure to implement the “National Tactics for Poverty Alleviation in August and August” with the purpose of making full use of our existing basic information facilities and information technology in poor areas Establish a bridge of information and communication with the economically developed regions of the country and change the state of information blockage and economic backwardness and guide the cadres and masses in changing their concepts and embarking on the road of opening up information and opening up the economy and more effectively implementing the economy in economically developed areas Technical cooperation and exchange, make more effective use of local resources to do a good job in economic work, enhance their own function of “making blood” and ensure the smooth implementation of the “August 7 Poverty Alleviation Project”. In the information poverty alleviation at the same time, improve county (city) level office automation level, and Jinqiao project. Building Information Network for Poverty Alleviation and Prosperity Project Establishing a nationwide economic information network is the key to the success of information-based poverty alleviation. The focus of information poverty alleviation is the country
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