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为找出光照强度对烤烟的影响规律,为烤烟适生性分析及种植区划提供一定的理论基础,以云烟87为材料,进行透光率为24.4%,57.6%,73.2%,100%(对照)的处理,研究了光照强度对烤烟生育期、农艺性状、叶片组织结构、产质量及化学成分的影响。结果表明:(1)光照不足延迟了烤烟生育期进程,各处理大田生育期比对照分别延迟了10,8,5 d。弱光促进株高生长,抑制烤烟叶片数的增加,促进叶片的纵向生长,抑制其横向生长,适度遮光促进面积增加,节距则随着光照的减弱而增加。(2)随着遮阳程度的增加,光照减弱,叶片上表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度均呈减小的趋势,最厚的为对照,108.64μm,最薄的为透光率24.4%的处理,50.40μm。(3)各遮光处理烟叶的产量、产值、均价和上中等烟比例随着遮光程度的加深而显著减小。其中,产量分别减少了496.5,739.5,1096.5 kg/hm~2,产值分别减少了23 087.3,32 174.6,39 265.4元,均价分别减少了5.0,7.3,8.9元,上中等烟比例分别降低了17.1%,47.2%,80.8%。(4)光强的减弱降低了烟叶总糖、还原糖和多酚类物质的含量,而总氮、烟碱、钾、氯和类胡萝卜素含量则随光照强度降低表现出增加的趋势。 In order to find out the law of the influence of light intensity on flue-cured tobacco, this paper provided some theoretical basis for the flue-cured tobacco adaptability analysis and planting division. The results showed that the light transmittance of Yunyan87 was 24.4%, 57.6%, 73.2%, 100% The effects of light intensity on the growth period, agronomic traits, leaf tissue structure, yield, quality and chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco were studied. The results showed that: (1) insufficient light delayed the growth of flue-cured tobacco and the growth period of each treatment was delayed by 10, 8 and 5 days respectively compared with the control. The weak light promoted the growth of plant height, inhibited the increase of the number of flue-cured tobacco leaves, promoted the longitudinal growth of the leaves, inhibited its lateral growth, increased the area of ​​moderate shading, and increased the pitch with the decrease of light intensity. (2) With the increase of sunshade, the illumination decreased, the thickness of epidermis, the thickness of palisade tissue and the thickness of sponge tissue showed a decreasing trend. The thickest was the control, 108.64μm, the thinnest was 24.4% Treatment, 50.40 μm. (3) The yield, output value, average price and the proportion of middle-grade tobacco in shading treatment decreased significantly with the deepening of shading. Among them, the output decreased by 496.5,739.5,1096.5 kg / hm 2, the output value decreased by 23 087.3,32 174.6 and 39 265.4 yuan respectively, the average price decreased by 5.0,7.3 and 8.9 yuan respectively, while the proportion of upper and middle tobacco decreased respectively 17.1%, 47.2%, 80.8%. (4) The decrease of light intensity reduced the contents of total sugar, reducing sugar and polyphenols, while the content of total nitrogen, nicotine, potassium, chloride and carotenoid showed an increasing trend with the decrease of light intensity.
<正> 由捷克进口的HD龙门刨床在我厂是精加工机床,国内拥有这样的机床厂家很多。该机床拖动工作台往复运动的主传动齿轮是一个特殊结构的齿轮,它是由三件斜齿轮组成的,见图1
采用电控喷射系统的“现代 SONATA”汽车,根据来自设在一定位置上的18个传感器和开关的信息,对不同的使用工况,确定(计算出)一个最佳控制状况,相应地驱动8个输出控制执行机
<正> 余从医数十年间,针刺井穴治疗急症甚多,谨举其验察。一气厥验察 59年在门诊曾治一壮年,形体粗壮因与邻居争吵,突然昏倒人事不省牙关紧闭,手足厥冷,扬手掷足,烦燥不安,四