The Use of First Language to Facilitate AcademicLearning with Chinese Elementary Students in United

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  【Abstract】The purpose of this research is to explore and identify ways that a student’s first language can be used to support and facilitate academic learning among Chinese elementary students in a U.S. school. The paper first investigates what the school did, then provides suggestions for educators. Data is collected to help answer the following question: What steps can schools and parents take to gain favorable results for ESL students? The data will be collected through daily observations, teacher and administrator interviews, and transcripts of classroom discussions.
  【Key words】First language; English as a Second Language (ESL); academic learning; applied linguistics
  This case study has been done based on the observation at an elementary school in western Massachusetts. I will describe what the school did to help Chinese students overcome language difficulties. I will also examine both the policy and the instructional dilemmas that now surround the education of Chinese ESL children in U.S.
  What the School did
  Respect, Tolerance and Welcome environment. In the first grade classroom, the teacher sticks Chinese sentences on the door, saying “欢迎来到我们教室(welcome to this classroom)”, “我很高兴你在这里(I am glad you are here)”, he always give foreign students chance to talk and being very patient to wait and listen. For the ESL teacher, she asked me to teach her some simple Chinese words, so that she can build internal connection, and give directions to the kids.
  English Language Learning Programs. The regional schools hire around 30 interpreters to work with students in the classrooms, supporting them by clarifying instruction. In addition, some of the interpreters serve as translators during meetings with parents.
  Counseling. Because of the communication problem and the brandy new environment, many of my students feels overwhelming. One of the ADHD students, he gave the teachers a lot of hard time by distracting a lesson, ignoring directions, arguing with classmates etc. The counselor collected the evaluations of every teacher at the end of the school, and put the form into his backpack to let his parents know his behavior of the day.
  Being More Aware of the Importance of First Language Input. Sonia Nieto (2009) mentioned in her book that Effective teaching is based on the fact that learning builds on prior knowledge and experiences. She continued to point out that the real problem may be the “obsession with speaking English”, if this is the case, the way in which teachers and schools view students’ language may have an even greater influence on their achievement.   Reinforce Peer Support. Peers can play a role that teachers and counselors could not replace, they can emphasize the instructions, help each other with exercise, reduce the feeling of marginalization etc. There is a need for one to one peer support, which may be very helpful for the new students to adapt to the school life. The teachers can do a better job to guide the peer support among students, not just arrange their seats together.
  More Clear Goals Step by Step. In January 2014, when I first start to work at the school, I interviewed an ESL teacher wondering how they teach students in the ESL classroom. She gave me one thick book that has 10 units and said it was the content they were supposed to teach, but they barely fulfill the plan. When I asked whether they have a periodical goal in teaching, she said no. Most of the materials the teacher uses is pieces of paper, which they download from the Internet. Every day, he got different papers, and there is no connection between these papers.
  If the teaching goal were designed to be clearer and periodically progressive, the learning effect would be much better.
  [1]Cummins,J.Bilingual children’s mother tongue:Why is it important for education? Sprogforum,2001,19:15-20.
  [2]Nieto,S.Language,Culture and Teaching:Critical Perspectives, (second ed.)New York,NY: Routledge,2009.
【摘要】基于核心素养,探索初中英语阅读教学模式,以科普2011版仁爱英语八年级(下)Unit7 Topic2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well Section C 为例,解读如何结合阅读课堂教学设计,实现对学生的语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格的培养和塑造,从而能够有效地将英语学科核心素养渗透贯穿到真实英语阅读课堂教学中。  【关键词】初中英语;
Western cultures and theirinfluence on English  Teaching from the Perspective of their  Daily habits and habits  【Absrtact】the cultural exchange between China and the West has begun since ancient time
【摘要】英语作为一门语言,英语翻译离不开文化,要想提高英语翻译质量,在英语翻译教学中,就必须穿插跨文化教学,让学生了解到中外文化的差异。本文就大学英语翻译教学中的文化因素作了相关分析。  【关键词】大学英语;翻译教学;文化艺术  引言  英语作为一门国际通用语言,伴随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,加大英语翻译人才的培养也越来越重要和迫切。大学英语翻译教学在培养专业翻译人才中起着重要的作用,然而,就当
【摘要】将模因论融合在大学英语的口语教学当中, 灵活的运用语言模因的模仿性、传递性和创新性的特点帮助英语口语的教学。在教师的指导下学生能够发挥他们的模仿能力、想象能力、交际能力,从而促进学生思维能力的创新,逐步提高学生的英语口语水平,最终达到良好的状态。  【关键词】模因论;大学英语口语;教学模式  模因这个词语最早出现在西方国家,是指思想或信息能够传播、能够复制和模仿。所以凡是事物能通过模仿而得
【摘要】面对当今教育国际化,英语口语成为当下中国学生一大难题,尤其对于当代的高中生,在考取名校后由于口语水平较低、英语思维模式落后,难以跟上大学里国际化的全英授课模式。本文分为针对我国当代高中生英语口语学习问题进行简要分析,提出高中生英语思维能力和方式所存在的不足,并对当下如何最大化利用资源从而提升口语水平、改善英语思维模式提供一些方法。  【关键词】高中生;口语;思维模式  【作者简介】曹庄靖(
【摘要】《巴黎圣母院》是作者充分运用了自己在《〈克伦威尔〉序》中提出的浪漫主义的美丑对照手法,把善与恶、美与丑、崇高与卑下对照起来描写,并在环境、事件、情节的安排以及人物形象的塑造上,夸张地突出某些特性,造成强烈的对照。本文在这样的背景下分析了三位主要人物的性格。  【关键词】《巴黎圣母院》;愛斯梅拉达;爱情;人物形象  一、《巴黎圣母院》背景简述  《巴黎圣母院》出版于1831年1月14日,是法
Vocabulary is the foundation of language.“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”(Wilkins, 1972, cited in Lewis, 1993, p115) Without a proper amount o
【摘要】本文以英语国家语料库(BNC)的商务文本(BEC)为研究对象,利用Antconc,分析了cover作为名词时,在商务英语中的一词多义现象及其原因。研究发现,在BEC语料库中,cover作为名词时共有三种词义。Cover一词的延伸意义可以通过转喻和隐喻机制实现。  【关键词】一词多义;转喻;隐喻  【作者简介】冯旭华,刘禹晴,大连海事大学外国语学院。  一、引言  词语的多义性一般指一个词语