四人帮肆虐时期,司马光成了顽固、保守、落后的典型,批判唾骂由之。他果真就那样反动透顶、一无是处么?! 今年是司马光逝世九百周年,学术界又已有一宽松的环境,还一位重要历史人物的庐山真面目,全面地正确地评价他,应该正是时候! 本文不想总论司马光的功过得失,只略窥一斑、就其《功名论》,谈一点看法,也
During the period of the Gang of Four, the Sima Guang became a typical stubborn, conservative and backward one. Did he really react like that? This year marks the 900th anniversary of the death of Sima Guang, and academia has a relaxed environment. It also shows the true nature of an important historical figure. It is time for a comprehensive and correct assessment of him. This article does not want to summarize Sima Guang’s merits and demerits, only a glimpse of its “fame”, to talk about some ideas, but also