口头作文是训练思维能力和口头表达能力的好办法。叶圣陶同志在《说话训练》一文中,曾十分中肯地论述了在语文教学中有意识加强说话训练的必要性和具体要求。这里,我仅以一次三十分钟的口头作文尝试谈谈作法和体会。一、具体作法 1.抓时机。上学期的一次早自习,我下班辅导,到教室一看,讲台上堆放着各种奖品。我顺手翻了一下,获得奖品的,有被评为自治州“三好”学生和优秀学生干部;
Oral composition is a good way to train thinking skills and verbal skills. Comrade Ye Shengtao, in his article “Speaking Training”, had very neatly discussed the necessity and specific requirements for consciously strengthening the training of speaking in Chinese teaching. Here, I try to talk about practice and experience only with a thirty-minute oral composition. First, the specific approach 1. Grab the opportunity. In the early self-study of the previous semester, I went to work afterwards and when I saw it in the classroom, there were piles of prizes on the podium. I have conveniently turned over to obtain prizes, and I have been rated as an “Three Good” student and outstanding student leader in the Autonomous Prefecture;