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移动通信作为通信领域的“新潮一族”,以其不受时空限制的独有魅力而风靡于世,应运而生的各种移动通信系统,不但在社会上越来越“火”,在军事通信领域亦倍受青睐。所谓移动通信,是指通信的一方或多方在运动中进行的信息交换。例如移动体与固定点之间,或移动体之间的通信等,均属于移动通信的范畴。一个典型的移动通信系统通常由基地台、用户台,控制终端设备以及中继线组成。每个基地台都有一个可靠通信的服务范围,称为无线区(或覆盖区)。无线区的大小由发射机功率和基地台天线的有效高度决定。多个无线区相互邻接排布就能扩大系统的服务面积。经过基地台,控制交换终端和中继转换传输信号,就能在整个服务区内实现任意两个移动用户之间的通 As a “trendsetter” in the field of communications, mobile communications are becoming more and more popular in the world due to their unique charm which is not restricted by space and time. The various mobile communication systems emerged not only in the society but also in the field of military communications Also much favored. The so-called mobile communications, refers to the communication of one or more parties in the movement of information exchange. For example, between a moving object and a fixed point, or between mobile objects, etc. belong to the category of mobile communications. A typical mobile communication system usually consists of base stations, subscriber stations, control terminals and trunks. Each base station has a reliable range of services, called wireless area (or coverage area). The size of the wireless zone is determined by the transmitter power and the effective height of the base station antenna. The arrangement of multiple wireless zones adjacent to each other can expand the service area of ​​the system. After the base station, the control switching terminal and the relay to convert the transmission signal, you can in the entire service area to achieve any two mobile users through
秦皇岛市中心血站 Qinhuangdao Blood Center Station
【摘要】本文从探讨小学语文教学现状及其存在的不足为出发点,着重从把握小学语文对话教学目标、完善小学语文对话教学策略体系、拓展小学语文对话教学深度这三方面,开展小学语文对话教学的研究,并以问卷调查的形式对小学三年级某班的36名学生进行了追踪调查,调查了学生在使用对话教学模式前后对内容的感悟程度和表达能力,以完成对小学语文对话教学模式的探索。  【关键词】小学语文 对话教学 学习策略  【中图分类号】
2000年是世纪之交的一年,也是中国“九五”计划的最后一年。这一年经济形势如何?备受国内外经济界人士的关注。 Year 2000 is the turn of the century and the last year of the
据悉,全国有 4200个经济开发区,却没有一个“精神开发区”,为此,我们向大家报告一个“精神开发区”。 ——题 引   2000年 8月 13日,一级英模胡宗英、吴娅莉离开我们已经一年了