
来源 :故事大王 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onewxf
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1.复写高手考场上静悄悄的,大头王刷刷刷地埋头写卷子,再有最后一道题,他就大功告成了。可偏偏这最后一道大题上卡壳了,大头王怎么都不会做。大头王很郁闷,继而有些伤心,最后一道大题足足有二十分,扣掉二十分,他的排名将从第一名掉到九霄云外去。如果他不当第一名,这次第一名准又会落到他的宿敌李小样头上。大头王极不喜欢李小 1. Copy master exam quietly, the king brush to brush the ground to write the book, and then the last question, he is done. Can be the last big problem on the stuck, the king will not do anything big. Big king is very depressed, and then some sad, the last big problem a full twenty points, deducted twenty points, his ranking will fall from the first nine clouds. If he misses first place, this first place standard will again fall on his rival Lee Sample. Wang does not like the big head Li Xiao
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