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问亲爱的专家:“自从8年前我父亲离弃我母亲后,她就一直患有临床抑郁症。那时,我哥和我都正要离开家独立生活。我哥毫不内疚地离家而去,留下我照看我们的母亲。他是母亲的宝贝儿子,当然不会做错,尽管他从不请她到他家吃饭,只是 Ask dear expert: ”Since my father abandoned my mother eight years ago, she has been suffering from clinical depression. At that time, my brother and I were about to leave their homes to live independently. My brother left home unconsciously. Go, leave me to look after our mother. He is the mother’s baby son, of course, will not do wrong, even though he never ask her to go to his house to eat, just
A man walked home after having been out drinking.He walked down the middle of a deserted country road.There were no street lights to illuminate the road andthe
我的行囊里没有宝石和财富,我只会带着好心情上路。停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然。“期考”下来,我的心情糟透了,当老师从高分 There are no gems or wealth in my bag, I
A lot of people liked walking on the grassland in Lenny Park. The board of “Keep off the Grass” didn’t work at all. Later, another board was erected and no one
Q I tend to get into relationships which are great for afew months (sometimes only weeks), then I lose in-terest rapidly. Every time I get into a relationship,
There once was a fish. ttttttt从前有一条鱼。 (What more could you wish﹖)ttttt(你还希望什么呢?)She lived in the sea.ttttttt她生活中海里。 (Where else could she be﹖)ttttt(她