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中国妇女就业难已成为当前的一个社会问题,而且有愈演愈烈的趋势。许多单位在招工或招生时,明文规定不要女的,大专学校毕业的女生分配,困难重重。为什么在80年代的社会主义中国竟然会出现妇女就业难的怪现象呢?据说是因为近年来国家对妇女在行经期、孕育期、分娩期及喂养期照顾的公假太多,因而使许多定编定额单位完成工作任务受到影响。众所周知,人类的生育繁衍是社会的头等大事,这不仅仅是妇女的任务,而应该是男女双方共同的责任,是社会共同的责任。把生儿育女的重担全部压在妇女的身上是非常不公正的。为确保妇女参加工作的 The employment of Chinese women has become a current social problem, but also intensified. When recruiting or enrolling students, many units have expressly stipulated that female students who have not graduated from tertiary schools and who have graduated from tertiary schools should be allocated very hardships. Why is it so surprising that in the socialist China in the 1980s, it is strange to find employment difficulties for women? It is said that because of the large number of public holidays in the country during the menstrual period, during the pregnancy period, during childbirth and during the feeding period, many editorials Fixed units to complete the task affected. It is well known that the birth and reproduction of mankind are the top priority of society. This is not only the task of women, but the common responsibility of both men and women and the common responsibility of society. It is very unfair to put all the burden of childbirth on women. To ensure women’s participation in work
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