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我去年在美国马里兰大学农业工程系进修时,认识了该系一位年轻的副教授阿瑟·T·约翰逊博士(Arthur·T·Johnson,PhD)。他在该系从事教学和科研工作,他的专业特长是“农业生物工程学”(Agribioengineering)。我对他从事的研究工作,首先是农业生物工程学这个名词就很感兴趣,所以多次约他交谈这方面的问题。他认为,农业工程技术为美国的农业实现巨大进步起了极为重要的作用。但是当代“生产型农业黟的概念与传统农业已经不一样了,可以说是大大前进了一步。为了保证农业生产的高输出,并使农业在各种复杂多变的环境条件下均能获得最高产量,在生物工程学逐步发展、并已初具规模的今天,应该利用工程学的观点和方法来解释并解决农业中众多的生物学问题。他在这方面做了大量研究工作,写了很多论文,取得了一定成就。现在,农业生物工程学已经成为农业工程学领域中的一个新的分支学科,是农业工程学的深入和发展。农业生物工程学的出现,使农业工程学改变了过去仅仅是以工程手段来为农业生物服务的局面,而是利用很多工程理论来解释很多农业生物现象,从而能更有针对性地用工程手段来解决农业生产中存在的问题。所以说,农业生物工程学的出现,使农业工程学由一门原来被动地为农业生产服务的学科而转变成主动地来研究、解决农业中的生物学问题,从而进一步促进农业生产迅速发展的学科,并赋予农业工程学以新的内容和更多的使命。下面就是约翰逊博士为介绍”农业生物工程学“而写的一篇文章。 Last year at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Maryland, United States, I met Arthur T. Johnson, PhD, a young associate professor in the department. He is teaching and researching in the department. His specialty is ”Agribioengineering.“ I was very interested in the research he undertook, above all, the term agricultural bioengineering, so I talked about it several times in this area. In his opinion, agricultural engineering has played an extremely important role in the tremendous progress of the agriculture in the United States. However, the concept of a modern-day ”agroecosystem“ has been different from that of traditional agriculture and can be said to have taken a big step forward. In order to ensure a high output of agricultural production and enable agriculture to be obtained in various complex and varied environmental conditions The highest yield, with the gradual development of bioengineering and the beginning of its scale today, should take advantage of the engineering viewpoint and method to explain and solve a large number of biological problems in agriculture .He has done a lot of research in this field and has written Many papers have made some achievements.Nowadays, agricultural bioengineering has become a new branch discipline in the field of agricultural engineering, which is the deepening and development of agricultural engineering.The emergence of agricultural bioengineering has changed the agricultural engineering In the past, it only used engineering methods to serve agriculture, but used many engineering theories to explain many agricultural biological phenomena so as to solve the problems in agricultural production more purposefully. Therefore, agriculture The advent of bioengineering transformed agricultural engineering from a discipline that had traditionally served agricultural production Research and solve the biological problems in agriculture, thereby further promoting the rapid development of agricultural production disciplines, and to give new content and more tasks in agricultural engineering. Here is Dr. Johnson for the introduction of ”agricultural bioengineering" and Write an article.
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