
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SQUIRRELXX
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2006年5月23日,国家统计局青海调查总队成立暨揭牌仪式在青海会议中心国际厅隆重举行。国家统计局副局长张为民,青海省人民政府副省长马建堂出席大会共同为青海调查总队揭牌,揭牌仪式由省政府副秘书长鸟成云主持。青海省人大常委会副主任贾国明、青海省政协副主席刘光中,青海省统计局领导和国家统计局青海调查总队领导,省委组织 On May 23, 2006, the inauguration ceremony of the Qinghai Investigation Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics was held at the International Department of Qinghai Conference Center. Zhang Weimin, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, and Ma Jiantang, vice governor of Qinghai Provincial People’s Government attended the conference to jointly unveil the Qinghai Investigation Corps. The inauguration ceremony was presided over by Bird Chengyun, deputy secretary general of the provincial government. Jia Guoming, deputy director of Qinghai Provincial People’s Congress, Qinghai Provincial Committee of CPPCC Vice Chairman Liu Guangzhong, Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics and the leadership of the National Bureau of Investigation Qinghai Investigation Corps, the provincial organization
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