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共和国已经走过了60个春秋。据不完全统计,截至2008年底,我军1614名开国将帅中,健在者仅183人。在80余年的革命征途中,老将们用赤胆忠心铸就了中国共产党的党史和中国人民解放军的军史。有人说:每个中国人在了解中国近代史时,都不能忘记他们——只有深刻地了解他们,才能更好地了解20世纪的中国。军旅作家欧阳青的力作《1955共和国将帅大授衔》,穿过历史的时空,将今人带入当年金戈铁马的峥嵘岁月。 The Republic has passed 60 spring and autumn. According to incomplete statistics, as of the end of 2008, among the 1614 founding mails of our armed forces, only 183 people were alive. In the more than 80 years of revolutionary journey, the veterans have boldly created the party history of the Chinese Communist Party and the PLA history of the People’s Liberation Army. Some people say: Every Chinese people can not forget them when they understand the modern history of China. Only when they have a profound understanding of them can they better understand China in the 20th century. Military writer Ouyang Qing’s masterpiece “Grand Master of the Republic of 1955, title,” through the history of space and time, the present person into the golden age of the Iron Horse.
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美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨在出席第八届“香格里拉对话”时向亚洲盟友呼吁,应该减少对美国的依赖。他也称美国在亚洲的战略角色将做出重大转变,由“保护者”转型为“合作 U.