Effect of Annealing Temperature on GMR of [NiFeCo(10 nm)/Ag(10 nm)]×20 Multilayer Film

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Answerallen
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The composition, phase structure, and microstructure of the discontinuous multilayer films [NiFeCo(10 nm)/ Ag(10 nm)]×20 annealed at temperature 280, 320, 360 and 400℃, respectively were investigated. GMR (giant magnetore-sistance) ratios of the multilayer films were measured at different temperatures. The results showed that FeNi3 precipitated at 360℃ and dissolved at 400℃. The films annealed at 360℃ for 1 h exhibited the highest GMR ratio 11% when saturation field was equal to 79.6 kA/m. The composition, phase structure, and microstructure of the discontinuous multilayer films [NiFeCo (10 nm) / Ag (10 nm)] × 20 annealed at temperature 280, 320, 360 and 400 ° C., respectively. The ratios of the multilayer films were measured at different temperatures. The results showed that the precipitation of FeNi3 at 360 ° C and dissolved at 400 ° C. The films annealed at 360 ° C for 1 h exhibited highest GMR ratio 11% when saturation field was equal to 79.6 kA / m.
[本刊讯] 《第17届压缩机工程会议暨第10届国际制冷空调会议》于7月中旬在美国普渡大学举行。7月12日开幕式上,美国David Fahey博士发表《臭氧层破坏和全球变暖》为主题的演
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摘 要:作为高中学习中的重要学科内容,生物学科在高中教学中具有重要的意义。而随着新课改的实施,在当前的高中生物教学中也发现了一些的难题。而为了积极促进学生生物学习水平的提升,作为生物老师应该积极采取科学的手段,促进学生的生物知识学习能力的提升。因此,本文主要针对新课改背景下实施高中生物教学过程中存在的问题,提出了新课改背景下实施高中生物教学的合理对策,从而能够为高中生物教学提供积极的帮助。  关键
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