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我国目前的IT培训存在几个问题。一是参加培训的人员数量不足,尤其是参加软件技术培训的人员数量不足,形不成强大的IT基础力量。二是培训的层次结构有问题。且不说中高层次的IT培训太少,就说达到国际化水准的IT基础性培训也很少。三是培训的教材和方法未能与国际接轨。四是学员的实际操作能力不强。五是我们培训的理念和学员的创业意识不强。 There are several problems in our current IT training. First, the number of personnel participating in training is not enough, especially the number of personnel who attend software technical training is not enough, which can not form a strong IT foundation. Second, there is a problem with the hierarchy of training. Not to mention the high level of IT training is too small, to say that the international level of basic IT training is also very small. Third, the training materials and methods failed to meet the international standards. Fourth, the practical ability of students is not strong. Fifth, our concept of training and students' awareness of entrepreneurship is not strong.
2000年时管乐获得全国舞蹈比赛银奖。2002年参演电影《来了》并在剧中饰演陶菲菲,2007年在《常回家看看》中饰演唐小芹。2012年2月参与《税案风云》拍摄并在剧中饰演女警梁文静。2013年先是参演《油菜花香》并在剧中饰演大反派贾翠兰。2014年2月在姚晓峰在执导当代都市剧《大丈夫》并在剧中饰演钱多多。  旅行有时候也只是一种心情的释放,好比沉在水底的鱼儿,在雷雨到来之前感觉烦闷,迫切的想要到水
Scientists announced on Sunday the first direct evidence that massive floods deep below Antarctica’s ice cover are speeding up the flow of glaciers(冰川)into the sea.  How quickly these huge bodies of i
英语中,“处理”不同的对象有不同的表示方法,你都学会了吗?    do with  do with侧重指“对物品的处理、利用”。在特殊疑问句中,用疑问词what提问。  例1I’ve just bought a new flat. I’m going to do with the old one. 我刚买了一套新房,我正打算处理那套旧房。  例2What shall we do with the
I had been swimming competitively for about five years and was ready to quit,not because I had satisfied my desire to swim,but because I felt I was horrible ati
你想过没有,这个圣诞节谁最忙?是我,领着老得连路都不认得(也走不动)了的圣诞老人满世界跑,给每个心怀童真的人送去了礼物、欢乐以及希望。 Have you ever thought of this