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统计工作对于卫生事业的发展具有重要意义。统计工作不得力,就会出现统计数据不准确,信息不灵通,这样,就无从了解其管理状况,无从发现问题、解决问题,决策也就失去了科学的依据。 影响统计工作质量的原因大致如下;1、有法不依,执法不严。 统计工作有法不依,执法不严,主要表现为上级滥发统计调查表,给基层统计人员带来沉重负担。基层统计人员为应付工作,有时不得不乱填虚报;一些部门各行其事,重复调查,数出多行,口径不一,这些都造成了统计数据的失真,从而失去了统计工作的意义。有法不依,执法不严,这严重地影响了统计工作的质量。 Statistics work has important implications for the development of the health industry. If the statistical work is not effective, statistical data will be inaccurate and the information will be ineffective. As a result, there is no way to understand its management status, and it is impossible to find problems and solve problems and decision-making will lose its scientific basis. The reasons for influencing the quality of statistical work are as follows: 1. There is no law to follow, and law enforcement is not strict. There are laws on statistical work that are not followed, and law enforcement is lax. The main reason for this is that the statistical data of the statistical data is generated by the upper class and it imposes a heavy burden on the statisticians at the basic level. Grassroots statisticians sometimes have to fill in false reports in order to cope with work; some departments conduct their own affairs, repeat investigations, count out multiple lines, and vary in their calibers, all of which have caused distorted statistical data and have lost the significance of statistical work. Laws are not followed, and law enforcement is not strict. This seriously affects the quality of statistical work.
1、临床资料 1·1 一般资料 我院采用氦—氖激光治疗急慢性咽炎50例,疗效显著,其中急性咽炎29例,慢性咽炎21例,男性发病30例,女性发病20例,职业分别为干部(20例)、教师(19例
我站1997年3月购进瑞士哈美顿公司生产的费米全自动酶免分析系统,该系统由全自动样本处理机Microlab AT和全自动酶标分析仪Microlab FAME组成,为方便起见,以下简称AT和FAME.
在铁基高铬合金粉末球磨体系中加入一定量的稀土元素及其氧化物 ,当稀土元素铈的含量达到 0 4%~ 0 6 %时 ,球磨以后活性氧的去除量达到最大值 ,附加一定量的稀土氧化物有利