Crustal Stress Evolution over the Past 700 Years in North China and Earthquake Occurrence

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshilidefu
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Fault interaction and earthquake occurrence have attracted much attention in seismological community during recent years. Many studies have shown that the rupture of one fault could encourage or discourage earthquake nucleation on a neighboring fault, depending on the relative geometry of the two faults and the earthquake rupture mechanisms. In this paper, we simulate the evolutionary process of cumulative Coulomb failure stress change (CCFSC) in North China since 1303, manifested by secular tectonic stress loading and occurrence of large earthquakes. Secular tectonic stress loading is averaged from crustal strain rates derived from GPS. Fault rupture parameters of historical earthquakes are estimated as follows: the earthquake rupture length and the amount of slip are derived based on their statistical relationships with the earthquake intensity distribution and magnitude, calibrated using parameters of instrumentally measured contemporary earthquakes. The earthquake rake angle is derived based on geologically determined fault orientational parameters and seismically estimated orientation of regional tectonic stresses. Assuming a layered visco-elastic medium, we calculate stress evolution resulting from secular tectonic loading and coseismic and postseismic deformation. On the eve of each large earthquake, the accumulated stress field is projected to the fault surface of that earthquake and the CCFSC is evaluated to assess the triggering effect of CCFSC. Forty-nine earthquakes with M≥6.5 have occurred in North China since 1303. Statistics shows that 39 out of the 48 subsequent events were triggered by positive CCFSC, yielding a triggering rate of 81.3%. If we use the accumulative stress field to evaluate the CCFSC for the M≥5.0 earthquakes that occurred in North China since 1303, we find that 75.5% of those events were triggered. The triggering rate for the M≥5.0 earthquakes after the 1976 Ninghe earthquake is up to 82.1%. The triggering rates can be higher if corrections are made for some aftershocks which were wrongly identified as occurring in stress shadow zones because of errors in parameter estimates of historical earthquakes. Our study shows a very high correlation between positive CCFSC and earthquake occurrences. Relatively high CCFSC in North China at present is concentrated around the Bohai Sea, the west segment of the Northern Qinling fault, the western end of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea seismic zone, and the Taiyuan basin, Shanxi graben, suggesting relatively higher earthquake potential in these areas. Fault interaction and earthquake occurrence have many pleae in seismological community during recent years. Many studies have shown that the rupture of one fault could encourage or discourage earthquake nucleation on a neighboring fault, depending on the relative geometry of the two faults and the earthquake rupture mechanisms. In this paper, we simulate the evolutionary process of cumulative Coulomb failure stress change (CCFSC) in North China since 1303, manifested by secular tectonic stress loading and occurrence of large earthquakes. Secular tectonic stress loading is averaged from crustal strain rates derived from GPS. Fault rupture parameters of historical earthquakes are estimated as follows: the earthquake rupture length and the amount of slip are derived based on their statistical relationships with the earthquake intensity distribution and magnitude, calibrated using parameters of instrumentally measured contemporary earthquakes. The earthquake rake angle is der ived based on geologically determined fault orientational parameters and seismically estimated orientation of regional tectonic stresses. Assuming a layered visco-elastic medium, we calculate stress evolution evolution from secular tectonic loading and coseismic and postseismic deformation. stress field is projected to the fault surface of that earthquake and the CCFSC is evaluated to trigger the effect of the CCFSC. Forty-nine earthquakes with M ≧ 6.5 have occurred in North China since 1303. Statistics shows that 39 out of the 48 subsequent events were triggered by positive CCFSC, yielding a triggering rate of 81.3%. If we use the accumulative stress field to evaluate the CCFSC for the M≥5.0 earthquakes that occurred in North China since 1303, we find that 75.5% of those events were triggered. The triggering rate for the M≥5.0 earthquakes after the 1976 Ninghe earthquake is up to 82.1%. The triggering rates can be higher i f corrections are made for some aftershocks which were wrongly identified as occurring in stress shadow zones because of errors in parameter estimates of historical earthquakes. Our study shows a very high correlation between positive CCFSC and earthquake occurrences. Relatively high CCFSC in North China at present is concentrated around the Bohai Sea, the west segment of the Northern Qinling fault, the western end of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea seismic zone, and the Taiyuan basin, Shanxi graben, Highway Comparative more higher earthquake potential in these areas.
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