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一20世纪90年代,莎士比亚戏剧的电影改编迎来一个新的高峰,相关专题研究也伴随这股潮流同时兴起。这一时期的新的著作、成果凭借它们具有突破性的问题意识、理论方法和视点思路而开创了一个全新的领域。此前,对应于劳伦斯·奥利弗、奥逊·威尔斯或格利高里·柯静采夫的时代,相关论题仍然集中在从文字到银幕的形式转换上,传统的文学研究和日趋建制 In the 1990s, the film adaptation of Shakespeare plays ushered in a new peak, and related topics are also accompanied by the rise of this trend. The new books and achievements of this period opened up entirely new fields by virtue of their breakthrough awareness of problems, theoretical methods and perspectives. Earlier, corresponding to the era of Lawrence Oliver, Orson Welles or Gregor Koztsev, the related topics were still focused on the formal conversion from text to screen, the study of traditional literature and the establishment of an increasingly
Both sputtering conditions and crystallizing temperatures have great influence on the microstructures and phase transformation characteristics for Ti 51 Ni
提到中国大陆的房地产专业网站,就不能绕过搜房网和莫天全。几乎是与席卷中国的 IT 热潮同步,属于海归派的莫天全在美国国际数据集团(IDG)风险投资资金的支持下,于1999年在
在安庆市地税系统内,人们传颂着一位铁骨丹心、助人为乐的雷锋式的好税干——汪俊宏同志。 汪俊宏,1968年出生,大专文化程度,1986年参加工作,2002年3月入党。自参加工作以来
(一) 长江,中国第一大河,千百年来,既泽及华夏,又危及华夏。每至汛期,荆江一带人民,头枕悬河,惶惶不安。 据历史记载,从公元前185年到公元1991年的2196年中,长江中下游共发
The conventional mass loss tests and the electrochemical techniques were used to study the inhibition action of LiOH and Na 2MoO 4 either individually or in