砺志典藏 逐梦航标——评《强国之梦——程连昌人生几个片段》

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由知名报告文学作家刘书良和知名传记作家陈家忠合著的《强国之梦——程连昌人生几个片段》,于2014年12月经中国人事出版社出版、发行了。纵观全书,我以为有四大特色:一是契入传主人生节点,勾连国家记忆;二是泼墨动人细节,洞烛人物内心;三是注重背景展示,凸显叙述深度;四是剪取精彩言行,彰显人格魅力。 The Dream of Power - Several Clips of Cheng Lien Chan's Life, co-authored by well-known reportage writer Liu Shu-liang and renowned biographer Chen Jiazhong, was published by China Personnel Publishing House in December 2014 and released. Throughout the book, I think there are four major characteristics: First, the deeds into the main node of life, linked to the national memory; second is the touching detail of the ink, the innermost of the cave people; Third, focus on the background display, highlight the narrative depth; Fourth, Words and deeds, highlighting the charm of personality.
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