
来源 :黑龙江八一农垦大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bababa666
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1.1 年降水量分布状况及变率 黑龙江省年平均降水量在400—600毫米之间。通河以北小兴安岭山地及尚志、五常一带降水最多,平均在600毫米以上。东部地区在500~600毫米之间,西部和北部地区降水不足500毫米,西南部太来、肇源一带降水最少,在400毫米以下。全省降水空间分布特点是自西向东逐渐增多,到我省中部达最大值,再往东略有减少,而在东部边陲一带又有增加的趋势。 我省自然降水量年际之间的变化很大。降水量年际之间的变化通常用降水变率来表示。全省降水变率以克拜丘陵及三江平原西部靠近小兴安岭地区等地最大,约21—22%;黑河、 1.1 Annual Precipitation Distribution and Variability The average annual precipitation in Heilongjiang Province is between 400-600 mm. Xiaoxinganling Mountains north of Tonghe and Shangzhi, Wuchang area with the most precipitation, an average of 600 mm or more. In the eastern region, between 500 and 600 millimeters, precipitation in the western and northern regions is less than 500 millimeters, and in the southwestern Tailai and Zhaoyuan areas, precipitation is the least, below 400 millimeters. The precipitation distribution in the province is characterized by a gradual increase from west to east, reaching the maximum value in the central part of our province, decreasing slightly further to the east, and increasing again in the eastern border area. The annual precipitation of natural precipitation in our province varies greatly. Precipitation change between years is usually expressed as the precipitation rate. The precipitation variability in the province is the largest in the areas of the Qibi Hills and the western Sanjiang Plain near the Little Xing’an Mountains, accounting for 21-22% of the total. The Heihe,
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