加强班组建设 提高企业素质

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安徽送变电上程公司是电力建设一级施工企业。现有职上2400多人,公司下属有七个基层单位,共39个施工(生产)班(队、车间)。施工点多、线长、流动、分散,施工班组常常远离基地,远离领导在省内外独立作战。这样,班组素质的高低直接影响企业施工生产任务的完成和经济效益的提高。为此,我公司在企业升级工作中,坚持管理从基础抓起,从班组抓起,在班组建设上狠下功夫,收到了明显的效果。工程质量稳步提高,公司施工的500KV 淮繁线和繁昌变,1988年获部优,1989年获国优工程银奖。各项经济技术指标均达到国家二级企业水平,我们的主要做法和体会是:一、制订切实可行的《班组建设标准》,是搞好班组建设的首要环节。多年的班组工作使我们感到,班组建设必须要有标准。为此,我们把制订切实可行的《班组建设标准》,作为搞好班组建设的首要环节来抓。在经理、工会主席的主持下,按照标准化管理的思想,以全总、国家经委《关于加强工业企业班组建设的意见》为指导,经过 Anhui Transmission and Transformation Shangcheng Company is a first-class construction company for power construction. There are more than 2,400 employees in the company. There are seven grass-roots units under the company and 39 construction (production) classes (teams, workshops). There are many construction points, long lines, flow, and dispersion. The construction team is often far from the base, away from the leaders to fight independently within and outside the province. In this way, the quality of the team has a direct impact on the completion of construction and production tasks and the improvement of economic efficiency. For this reason, our company persisted in the work of enterprise upgrading, insisted that management should start from the foundation, grabbed from the team, made great efforts in the construction of the team, and received obvious results. The quality of the project has steadily improved. The 500KV Huai Fan Line and Fanchang Transformer constructed by the company were awarded Buyou in 1988, and won the Silver Award of Guoyou Engineering in 1989. All economic and technical indicators have reached the level of the second-tier state-owned enterprises. Our main practices and experiences are: First, the development of a practical “class construction standards” is the first step in doing a good job of team building. Years of work in the team led us to feel that there must be standards for team building. To this end, we have made the development of a practical “class construction standards” as the first step in doing a good job of team building. Under the auspices of the managers and trade union chairmen, in accordance with the idea of ​​standardization management, with the guidance of the “Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Industrial Groups and Teams” of the General Administration of the Communist Party and the State Economic Commission, the