
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldblast
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“我们的政治教研组”。是兴国平川中学政治教师的一个口头语,是政治教师发自肺腑热爱本组的心声。我们的政治教研组,做了一些工作,取得了一些成果。多年来都被评为先进教研组,曾多次被兴国总工会评为先进工会小组。现将我们的工作总结如下。一、开展了教学改革,狠抓了教学质量。教研组工作是多方面的,应该抓住中心,突出重点,服务于教学,服从于教学质量的提高。近年来随着教材的大变动,我们认为教学方法必须大改革。我们教研组发动全组成员动脑筋想办法,冲破教学单纯为应付升学考试服务的思想,首先在高三年级,根据教材的特点,普遍推广了“四会”教学法(即将时事报告会、小组讨论会、问题辩论会、心得汇报会运用到教学中去),把政治课教活了,收到了好效果,得到了上级的肯定和好评。其次,经全组反复讨论,在高一、高二年级试行“查、读、议、讲、练”五字教学法。经过一年多的实践,已初见成效,经省、地教研室同志的核查,验收 “Our political teaching and research group.” It is a spoken word for political teachers in Xingchuan Pingchuan Middle School. It is the political teacher’s heartfelt love from this group. Our political teaching and research group did some work and achieved some results. It has been rated as an advanced teaching and research group for many years and has repeatedly been rated as an advanced trade union group by the Xingguo General Trade Union. We now summarize our work as follows. First, we carried out teaching reforms and paid close attention to the quality of teaching. The work of the teaching and research group is multifaceted. It should focus on the center, highlight the key points, serve the teaching, and obey the improvement of teaching quality. In recent years, with the great changes in teaching materials, we believe that teaching methods must be reformed. Our teaching and research group launched a group of members to use their brains to break through the idea of ​​simply serving the students in the entrance exam. First of all, in the third grade, according to the characteristics of the teaching materials, the “four sessions” teaching method was widely promoted (upcoming affairs reports and panel discussions). , debates on issues, experience reports will be used in teaching), teaching political lessons, and receiving good results, has been affirmed and praised by superiors. Secondly, after repeated discussions in the entire group, the “learning, reading, discussion, speaking and practicing” five-word teaching method was tried out in the first and second grades. After more than one year of practice, it has achieved initial results, and has been checked and verified by comrades of provincial and local teaching and research offices.
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