
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanmu1984
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刑事申訴檢察工作是檢察機關履行法律監督職能的重要體現,也是維護司法公正的重要手段,其對強化檢察工作的內部監督和制約、規範檢察權的行使、保障群眾切身利益具有極其重要的作用。2013年1月至11月,全國檢察機關依法糾正原刑事處理決定確有錯誤的申訴300多件,提出抗訴近90件,監督法院再審改判或發回重審320餘件。通過一手抓自身辦案,一手抓辦案指導,推行刑事申訴權利告知和風險提示、刑事申訴案件公開審查等制度,刑事申訴辦案工作不斷深入健康開展。這既有效化解了社會矛盾,增強了司法親和力和公信力,也切實保障了人民群眾的申訴權利,有助於減少、避免冤假錯案。十八屆三中全會以來,涉法涉訴信訪工作機制改革的推進為刑事申訴檢察工作的發展提出了挑戰,亦提供了機遇。本期特選取最高人民檢察院羅慶東副廳長的文章,解讀刑事申訴檢察的地位和作用,闡述其在防範冤假錯案、防治司法腐敗中的成功經驗與做法。 The procuratorial work of criminal appeals is an important manifestation of procuratorial organs’ performance of legal supervision functions. It is also an important means of safeguarding judicial fairness. It plays an extremely important role in strengthening the internal supervision and restriction of procuratorial work, standardizing the exercise of prosecutorial powers and safeguarding the vital interests of the masses. From January to November 2013, the procuratorial organs across the country corrected, according to law, over 300 genuinely wrong appeals, filed nearly 90 protests and supervised the courts to remand or remand for more than 320 retrials. Through handling cases with one hand and grasping the guidance of the case with the other hand, we will implement the system of notifying and disclosing the rights of criminal complaints and public examining cases of criminal appeals. The handling of criminal appeals has been carried out in an in-depth and healthy manner. This not only effectively resolves social conflicts, enhances judicial affinity and credibility, but also earnestly guarantees the people’s right to appeal and helps to reduce and avoid unjustly wrong cases. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the promotion of the reform on the working mechanism of letters and visits involving law-related complaints has posed challenges and provided opportunities for the development of criminal complaints prosecution. In this issue, we choose the article written by Luo Qingdong, the deputy director of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, to interpret the status and role of the criminal appeals prosecutors, and elaborate on his successful experiences and practices in the prevention of wrong and falsehood and the prevention and control of judicial corruption.
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