Relation between Gravity Field Feature and Tectonics and Earthquakes in Taiwan and Its Adjacent Seas

来源 :Marine Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TIGERKING2009
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Short wave gravity anomaly is correlated to sea floor topography in the gravity field of ×Taiwan and its adjacent seas. Gravity values of 20010-5ms-2 at Yushang and -×16010-5ms-2 at Liuqiu sea trench are respectively the maximum and minimum gravity values in this area. Bouguer gravity anomaly reflects not only Moho interface undulation, but also fault distribution. The inflexion of gradient belt of Bouguer gravity anomaly is a spot liable to earthquakes . Middle-long wave geoid is the best data to invert crustal thickness. We calculate crustal thickness by using geoid data, and the maximum value is 38km; the minimum value is 12km in Taiwan and its adjacent seas. Short wave gravity anomaly is correlated to sea floor topography in the gravity field of × Taiwan and its adjacent seas. Gravity values ​​of 20010-5ms-2 at Yushang and - × 16010-5ms-2 at Liuqiu sea trench are the maximum and minimum gravity values ​​in this area. Bouguer gravity anomaly reflects only only Moho interface undulation, but also fault distribution. The inflexion of gradient belt of Bouguer gravity anomaly is a spot liable to earthquakes. Middle-long wave geoid is the best data to invert crustal thickness . We calculate crustal thickness by using geoid data, and the maximum value is 38km; the minimum value is 12km in Taiwan and its adjacent seas.
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【摘要】近年来随着经济的飞速发展,我们的课改也在全面推进,再加上各科的新课改标准不断地问世,导致,我们老师在新的教育环境中的角色有了转变,在这样的环境下,我们广大的教师在教学态度,教学方式方法上的改变取得了不错的成绩,同时,班主任不同于一般的代课教师,我们有我们自己的使命,我们也在不断地进步,不断地改变。但是,由于课改的时间尚早,一些存在的问题还没有得到彻底的解决。  【中图分类号】G625.1