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写作能力对于初中生来说至关重要,要看学生语文水平的高低,拿起一篇学生的作文就能够一目了然。然而在实际的语文教学中,由于学生之间存在许多的个体性差异,在理解能力、认知能力和兴趣爱好上存在偏差,这就导致了教师无法很好地进行统一教学与训练,有的学生能够写出语句通顺、字迹工整的佳作,而有的学生面对作文却眉头紧锁,难以起笔。因此针对这种现象,本文主要分析了形成该现象的原因,并针对初中作文分层教学的策略进行研究和探析。 Writing skills for junior high school students is crucial, depending on the level of language proficiency in students, pick up a student’s essay can be clear at a glance. However, in the actual teaching of Chinese, there are many individual differences among students, there are deviations in understanding ability, cognitive ability and hobbies, which leads to the teachers can not be well unified teaching and training, and some Students can write well-written and neat writing masterpieces, but some students face the composition but frowned, it is difficult to play pen. Therefore, in response to this phenomenon, this paper analyzes the reasons for the formation of the phenomenon, and for junior high school composition teaching strategies to study and explore.
在研究中我们发现,儿童群体和教师群体均存在极大的个体差异,所以同样的课程内容在不同地区、不同幼儿园和不同班级实施都会产生较大差别。许多教师在实施课程过程中与幼儿不断互动,共同成为生成发展课程的主体。根据我们的研究,教师和幼儿互动生成的课程内容大致可以归纳为三种类型:生成发展的课程活动,生成发展的课程线索,生成发展的课程主题。    一、生成发展的课程活动    教师和幼儿在使用教材开展互动学习的过
BACKGROUND:Nikethamide,a respiratory center stimulant,is widely used in China.However,its effects on the central nervous system and medullary respiratory center
1 临床资料  患者 ,女 ,5岁。因发烧 ,腹痛 ,腹泻入院。入院后查体 ,体温 3 7.6℃ ,脉搏 92次 /分 ,咽部无红肿 ,双肺呼吸音正常 ,腹部平软 ,无压痛、反跳痛及肌紧张 ,腰
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用从家兔血浆中提纯的α_2-巨球蛋白(α_2-macroglobin α_2M)对实验性兔角膜硷烧伤进行了治疗,目的在于寻找一种新的快速、有效治疗眼部硷烧伤的新方法,并试图从体内找出一
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