
来源 :贵州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AAAz12300
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各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 1998年我省烤烟生产收购工作,在各级党委、政府的领导下,经过各有关部门和广大干部群众的努力,在控制烤烟盲目发展和种植、收购、调拨、复烤等方面做了不少工作,取得了一定成绩,但也存在不少问题。1999年是贯彻国务院关于继续控制烤烟生产盲目发展和实行新的烟叶价税政策的第一年,切实抓好烤烟生产收购工作,对继续大力培育、提高、壮大烤烟支柱产业至关重要。各级政府及有关部门一定要高度重视,坚定信心,加强领导,认真做好各项工作,为把贵州建设成为全国优质烤烟基地省,为富民兴黔作出新的贡献。现就有关问题通知如下: All autonomous prefectures and municipal people’s governments, administrative offices of all regions, people’s governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special zones) and departments and agencies under the provincial government directly under the Central Government: In 1998, Under the leadership of various departments and the cadres and the masses of the efforts of cadres and the masses in the blind control of tobacco development and planting, acquisitions, transfers, re-baked and so has done a lot of work and achieved some success, but there are also many problems. In 1999, the first year of implementation of the State Council’s policy of continuing to control the blind development of flue-cured tobacco and the implementation of a new tobacco leaf price tax policy, it is very important to continue to vigorously cultivate, enhance and expand the pillar industry of flue-cured tobacco. Governments at all levels and relevant departments must attach great importance to them, strengthen their confidence, strengthen their leadership and do a good job in all aspects so as to make Guizhou become a national high-quality tobacco-producing base province and make new contributions to enriching the people and benefiting the people in Guizhou. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows:
下半年我国油脂市场仍将呈弱势,低迷行情将延续到年底,但上半年的暴跌现象不会再出现;油料市场也将继续维持下跌趋势,大豆及进口菜籽仍有下跌空间;油粕市场将处于前 In the
娄底地区行政公署,各市、州人民政府,省直有关单位:省物价局、省粮食局《关于粮食流通体制改革有关价格问题的意见》已经省人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 Lo