江淮大地上的“检察名片” 记安徽省凤台县人民检察院女子公诉科

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靓丽、柔情、细腻、果敢、坚定、无畏……安徽省淮南市凤台县人民检察院女子公诉科这支朝气蓬勃的年轻团队,像一束绽放的玫瑰,在江淮大地上越开越艳,成为江淮大地上耀眼明亮的检察名片:先后荣获全省“最美青年检察官”集体、优秀政法单位、“三八红旗集体”、“优秀青少年维权岗”等荣誉;一人获得“巾帼建功先进个人”荣誉称号、一人获评“五好共产党 Beautiful, tender, exquisite, bold, firm, fearless ...... Fengtai County People’s Procuratorate, Huainan City, Anhui Province Women’s Procuratorate This young and energetic team, like a bunch of blooming roses in the JAC land more open more brilliant, as JAC The dazzling bright proclamation card on the earth: Has won the honor of ”the most beautiful young prosecutor“, ”collective and outstanding political and legal units“, ”38 Red Flag Collective“, ”outstanding young guardian“ Women’s advanced self-made ”honorary title, one was" Five good Communist Party
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杨根荣于1907年出生在将乐水南一佃农家里。少年时父亲早逝,挑起家庭重担,但难以供养母亲及弟弟生活,常常是有了上餐没下顿。 Yang Gen-rong was born in 1907 in Lok Shui
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