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  Spice up the autumn and prepare for winter with this warm and nourishing dish
  by TAn Yunfei (谭云飞)
  Autumn in China doesn’t truly begin until you catch the aroma of sugar-fried chestnuts from a roadside stall. Passersby stop to buy the popular snack piping hot out of the wok, even though it sometimes means a half-hour wait for a fresh batch.
  The tradition has existed since at least the 13th century, when the scholar Shu Yuexiang (舒岳祥) wrote in his poem “Eating Chestnuts for the First Time (《初食栗》)”: “[I’m] happy to see chestnuts as the days start to cool near Chongyang Festival (新凉喜见栗,物色近重阳),” which occurs on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. He added: “The steamed chestnuts bring warmth on cold nights, and still taste good chewed in hunger the next morning (寒宵蒸食暖,饥晓嚼来香).”
  Dishes themed around chestnuts also grow in popularity during the fall, but probably only braised chicken with chestnuts (板栗烧鸡) can rival the street snack. The dish has been claimed as traditional in the provinces of Sichuan—where it’s eaten with fresh peppers—Hunan, Jiangxi, and northeastern China. These regional varieties differ slightly in their cooking methods, and there are similar dishes in other provinces, such as 栗子鸡 (“chestnut chicken”) from Shandong and 板栗焖鸡 (“chestnuts braised with chicken chunks”), and 栗子焖鸡 (“chestnuts braised with chicken”) in Fujian, Zhejiang, and Shanxi.
  Chestnuts have been a popular food in China for at least 2,000 years. According to the ancient text Records of the Grand Historian (《史记》), in the Spring and Autumn (770 – 476 BCE) and Warring States (475 – 221 BCE) periods, “1,000 chestnut trees in Yan and Qin states…produce a wealth equal to that of a noble entitled to collect taxes from 1,000 households (燕秦千樹栗……与千户侯等).” Han Feizi (韩非子), a philosopher active in the 3rd century BCE, also wrote that people ate chestnuts to stave off hunger during famines.
  Nowadays, chestnut trees grow nationwide. The nuts, which are rich in starch and protein, are valued in traditional Chinese medicine as benefiting one’s qi (气) while also nourishing the intestines, stomach, and kidneys. As a result, braised chicken with chestnuts is popular in autumn not just due to nostalgia or because of the rich flavors and tender textures of slow-cooked nuts and warming meat. According to medical theories, it also helps to nourish internal organs negatively impacted by hot weather and icy drinks during the summer, and provides people with the nutrition they need to prepare for the cold winter.   Steps:
  1. Cut each chicken drumstick into four or five chunks and wash off any blood.
  2. Wash the chestnuts. Cut the garlic and ginger into 2-3mm thick slices, and green and red peppers into 3-4cm long segments.
  3. Boil the chestnuts in 600ml of water for two minutes and set them aside in a bowl.
  4. Heat the oil in a wok. Add the chicken and fry until golden.
  5. Add the garlic, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, Shaoxing wine, and 600ml of water, and bring everything to a boil.
  6. Add the chestnuts, salt, and pepper powder. Turn down the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  7. Add the peppers and cook over a high heat for another five minutes before serving.
  200g chestnuts板栗
  500gchicken drumsticks雞腿肉
  20ml cooking oil 食用油
  10g ginger 姜
  5 cloves of garlic 蒜瓣
  Half a green pepper 青椒
  Half a red pepper红椒
  15g sugar 白糖
  15g Shaoxing wine 绍兴酒
  10g soy sauce酱油
  5g salt 盐
  2g pepper powder 胡椒粉
  Photographs by VCG
雄浑险峻老山巅,  炮火硝烟染碧天。  号令传来龙虎跃,  旌旗舞动震江川。  出生入死尋常事,  奉献牺牲举国牵。  破局融冰兴盛世,  沧桑转换乐华年。
我们鉴赏诗歌,一般都要从语言层面、意象层面和意蕴层面入手。  诗歌有很强的直觉性,诗歌语言高度概括、凝练,极富意蕴,它常常违背一般的语法规范,诗行间留下许多空白,有很强的跳跃性。而具有美的意象的诗,才能给读者以美感。能否创造出新颖独特的美的意象,是衡量诗歌成功与否的标志之一。伴随着意象在脑海的形成和语音节奏感的刺激,使读者初步产生了美感,但是如何突破意象表层去体悟诗的意象内蕴即诗的意蕴,是诗歌欣赏
读诗,就是要读作者融合在字里行间有意无意间流露出的真挚情感,就是要读那种沸腾不息、气息相连的爱恨情仇,我读周祖平的《诗意马关》,就是在阅读澎拜雄浑的故土情,就是在用心灵感受马关边界线上一曲永远无法割舍的恋歌。  任何一个作者,在写作的时候,心中都一定装着故乡,作为马关大栗树养育出的文山州著名作家,周祖平就是这样的人。我对周祖平的熟悉,首先就起于他的著作,他的诗歌里,对故乡马关的眷恋,深深地镌刻在他
一个好的作家离不开他的故乡,更离不开他脚下的土地。从周祖平先生已经出版的7部散文集、诗歌集,不难发现,故乡是他文学创作的根本。三十多年来,周祖平以散文、诗歌为载体实现着对故土文山、马关的深情抒写,在打牢其自我和人性的同时,亦实现了其精神家园的胜利回归。  周祖平先生新近出版的诗集《诗意马关》,具有独有的诗歌特性,散发着故土情怀的芬芳,且具有唤醒他乡游子乡情的正能量作用,是作者“不枉为彝家汉”又一个
对故乡眷恋在古今中外都有过比较典型的描述,最为突出的是一个“愁”字。“愁”是一种对故乡的忧虑,执着和希望,直至念念不忘。古代的李煜,今天的余光中最具有代表性。其实,没有一个作家诗人在感情上离得开生养他的家园的。在现今众多的诗人群里,周祖平能够把自己对故乡的眷恋以独立的集子出现,那是很难得的。  《诗意马关》负载了作者一颗赤诚的心情,爱国爱乡的肝胆。诗集所表现出的对家乡的拳拳之心,对今天新人创作,无
诗人荷尔德林步入其诗人生涯以后,他的全部诗作都是还乡……  接近故乡就是接近万乐之源(接近极乐)。故乡最玄奥、最美丽之处恰恰在于这种对本源的接近,决非其他。所以,唯有在故乡才可亲近本源,这乃是命中注定的。正因为如此,那些被迫舍弃与本源的接近而离开故乡的人,总是感到那么惆怅悔恨。既然故乡的本质在于他接近极乐,那么还乡又意味着什么呢?  还乡就是返回与本源的亲近。  认识周祖平老师应该近10年了。那个
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“为天地立心,为生民立命。”此为习文之魂,亦可谓之文学精神。  文学精神是多维的。苏轼的散文不拘泥前人章法,独具一格,他的创新是为文学精神;鲁迅用手中的笔承载现实的关怀与担当,他的责任感是为文学精神;老舍用手中的笔透视民族命脉,他的民族色彩是为文学精神……除此之外,文学精神还包含着德行不污、气节莫失、违心不言等诸多内涵,盖因如此丰富的精神内涵,方使文以载道。  言及文学精神,一定绕不开文学创作者。