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肝素用于治疗肺心病并发DIC已被广大临床工作者所熟悉,但对其利尿效果的报道尚不多见。我们应用于肝素治疗肺心病难治性心力衰竭10例,观察其利尿作用效果较好。现报道如下: 一、病例选择 本组病例均为住院病人。男6例,女4例,年龄为65~67岁,病程在10年以上。临床症状:胸闷,气短,呼吸困难,腹胀,纳差,尿少。体征:除肺心病体征外,尚有肝脏肿大,腹水征(+)。双下肢凹陷性水肿。确诊为慢性肺源性心脏病并发心力衰竭。经消炎治疗控制感染后,心力衰竭并无明显好转,应用利尿及血管扩张药物等治疗一周以上效果不佳者,均试用肝素治疗。 Heparin for the treatment of pulmonary heart disease complicated by DIC has been familiar to the majority of clinicians, but its diuretic effect is still rare. We applied heparin treatment of refractory heart failure of pulmonary heart disease in 10 cases, observed its diuretic effect is better. Are reported as follows: First, the case selection This group of patients were hospitalized patients. 6 males and 4 females, aged 65 to 67 years old, duration of more than 10 years. Clinical symptoms: chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, bloating, anorexia, oliguria. Signs: In addition to pulmonary heart disease symptoms, there are liver enlargement, signs of ascites (+). Depression of both lower extremity edema. Confirmed as chronic pulmonary heart disease complicated by heart failure. Anti-inflammatory treatment of infection control, heart failure and no significant improvement in the application of diuretic and vasodilator drugs for more than one week of poor outcomes, were tested with heparin.
1999年4月,我在中国美术馆举办“沈岩书画艺术作品展”时,一位颇有名气的大家亲口对我说:“传统的东西50年后就没人看了。”我当时感到十分震惊。不久在电视上看到,旅美画家丁绍光介绍美国人对中国画的态度时说:“他们分不清300年来中国画的差别。把近300年来的中国画作品展现给他们看,他们认为是一个人画的。”  且不说明清以来,中国画是否陈陈相因,毫无可取之处,就说美国人的审美观、艺术观,难道就因为是
脾脏原发性恶性肿瘤较为少见,我们以脾切除术治疗1例脾脏原发性非何杰金氏淋巴瘤,报告如下。 患者男性,40岁,农民。发现左上腹包块1月入院。1个月前无意中扪及左上腹一拳头
Gel point or pour point is widely used to evaluate the low temperature flowability of crude oil. However, it is not adequate to describe the gelling properties
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This paper focuses on the micro-beam and trace element non-destructive experiment and analytical method of mineral fluid inclusions by synchrotron radiation X-r