桃李不言 下自成蹊——访著名陶艺教育家杨永善教授

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又是九月,金秋,在这个特别的季节里,空气中充盈着感念师恩的情结,尊师重教是我们永远的美德。的确,对于我们每一个人来说,在我们从顽皮稚童到青涩少年,再到风华青年直至暮年的生命历程中,老师,都是最值得我们尊重和感恩的人。过去的,现在的,将来的,所有的教师都应该享受崇敬与祝福。而作为教师中特殊的群体——德艺双馨的艺术教师,更是特别值得我们关注的对象。在我国自1985年创立教师节后的第22个教师节即将来临之际,本刊特别制作了本期教师节专题。专题分为上篇和下篇,上篇分别是由本刊记者采写的对艺术教育领域教师的访谈,以及学生们对老师的真挚祝福,我们称之说“师”;下篇是来自全国各地艺术教育战线上的教师们在这个特殊的日子里的特别感言,我们称之“师”说。(本刊编辑部) It is September, autumn, in this special season, the air filled with feelings of grace complex, respecting teachers and teaching is our eternal virtue. Indeed, for each of us, teachers are among the most worthy of our respect and thanksgiving in our life journey from naughty youngsters to young teenagers, to young men of youth until their twilight years. Past, present and future, all teachers should enjoy reverence and blessings. And as a special group of teachers - art teacher Shuang Xin, is particularly worthy of our attention. At the dawn of the 22nd Teacher’s Day after the creation of Teacher’s Day in China in 1985, this issue of Teachers’ Day has been specially produced in this issue. The topic is divided into the first and second parts, the first part is written by the correspondents of art teachers in the field of education interviews, as well as the students of the teacher’s sincere blessing, we call it “division”; the next chapter is from all over the country The special testimonies of teachers on the art education front on this special day are what we call “teachers”. (Editorial department)
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