
来源 :初中生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaolang
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河北石家庄市9中学生唐建哲在参加完今年的高考之后,以一种特殊方式开始了自己的暑假生活:每天凌晨不到3点起床,陪妈妈一起清扫街道。唐建哲的父亲因患精神病已8年无法工作,母亲马俊华做临时清洁工,每月工资只有600元,姐姐中专毕业,现在正在实习,尚无工资。唐建哲说,有了自己的帮助,妈妈就可 After attending this year’s college entrance examination, Tang Jianzhe, a middle school student in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, started his summer vacation in a special way: getting up early every day at less than 3 o’clock and cleaning up the streets with his mother. Tang Jianzhe’s father has been unable to work for 8 years due to mental illness. Ma Junhua, his mother, is a temporary cleaner with a monthly salary of only 600 yuan. Her sister graduated from a secondary school and is now practicing and has no salary. Tang Jianzhe said that with my own help, my mother can
Miyun County, located in the northeast of Chinese capital Beijing, was underwent remarkable variations in land use in recent years. This paper aimed to detect c
With intensified contradiction between the rapid devel- opment of modem industry and the carrying capacity of natural environment, coordinating the relationship
我想 给秋天打个电话 如果接电话的是松鼠 多好 如果接电话的是青蛙 也好
Shandong Peninsula, as a more developed region in Shandong Province even the east coast of China, is facing challenges from resources and environment pressures.
On the basis of the earthquake (gL I〉3.0) catalog in North China from 1970 to 2009, the pattern of temporal and spatial distribution of medium-small earthquake