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新起点开启新征程,新目标赋予新使命,凝聚着13亿人意志的这一刻,世界瞩目。3月13日和3月14日,全国政协十一届四次会议和第十一届全国人民代表大会第四次会议先后在北京人民大会堂落下帷幕。此次“两会”是在全党全国各族人民胜利完成“十一五”规划目标,开启“十二五”发展蓝图的时刻召开的重要会议。学习领会和贯彻落实全国“两会”精神,深刻了解“两会”特点,准确把握精神实质,是我们当前和今后一个时期的一项重要工作。10余天来,全国人大代表和全国政协委员们围绕今年的目标任务,热烈讨论,集思广益,知无不言,建言献策。大力发展邮轮经济、将海运业列为战略性重点发展服务业、未来港口发展要建立三大体系、加快龙滩水电站通航设施建设等等,一大批推进交通水运事业发展的真知灼见,在行业和社会都引起了热烈的反响。本刊特精选如下,以飨读者。 The new starting point opens a new journey and the new goal gives a new mission and injects 1.3 billion people’s will. The world has drawn attention. On March 13 and March 14, the 4th Session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee and the 4th Session of the 11th National People’s Congress came to an end in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. This “two sessions” is an important meeting held at the moment when the entire party, the people of all nationalities in the country, have successfully completed the “11th Five-Year Plan” and opened the 12th Five-Year Plan for Development. Learning to understand and implement the spirit of the “two sessions” across the country, profoundly understanding the characteristics of the “two sessions” and accurately grasping the essence of the spirit are an important part of our present and future period. More than 10 days ago, NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee around this year’s goals and tasks, heated discussions, brainstorming, know everything, offer advice and suggestions. Vigorously develop the cruise economy, the maritime industry as a strategic focus on the development of service industries, the future port development to establish three major systems to speed up the construction of navigation facilities Longtan Hydropower Station, a large number of promoting the development of transport and water transport career insights, in the industry and society Have caused a warm reaction. Selected articles are as follows to readers.
看着都市中的白领一族,各式各样的套装显得是那么精神,职业的小套装穿在猫身上,别有一番情趣,不但很精神,而且还特别俏皮。 Looking at the city of white-collar workers,
创伤休克占美国死亡人数的第四位,而对四十岁以下的人来说则占第一位,这一统计是可怖的。下面是人们与之作斗争的一个范例。 Trauma shocks make up the fourth highest dea
原料:猪里脊肉150克,嫩生姜丝50克,淡色酱油10克,鸡精2克,芝麻油5克。做法:1.将猪里脊肉洗净,切成薄片。2.锅中放入清水,上旺火烧沸, Raw materials: pork loin 150 grams,
爽身止痒洗头或洗澡时,往水中加5滴~6滴花露水,能起到很好的清凉除菌、祛痱止痒作用。擦拭凉席夏天,人们常常赤 Chill itch shampoo or bath, add 5 drops to the water 6 d