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商业与艺术之间的密切联系在今天已经不是什么新鲜事了,在不久前的“马爹利非凡艺术人物”颁奖盛典上,洞悉时代变迁的油画家曾浩,关怀人文自然的空间艺术家施慧,超越时空的摄影家缪晓春和时尚摄影家保罗-罗维西,被评为2007年度的马爹利非凡艺术人物。在四位获奖艺术家中,三位中国艺术家都在中国当代艺术领域具有一定影响,在评述艺术家的成就时,评述都针对其不同的艺术特质给予了不同的定义和阐释。我们看到,这种商业与艺术联手的方式,在相互拓展介入领域的同时,也相互借力地为彼此赢得更广泛的社会影响。于是在这样的互相推动中,今天的艺术也似乎变得更具能量。借力共赢的商业运作在今天中国的艺术环境里已经逐渐变成了艺术家更快被人熟悉的有效途径,而商业品牌自身也以艺术的名义在向其定位消费人群铺垫着他们更广为人知的基础。在这样的境遇中,中国当代艺术的脚步似乎更具活力,而成功的榜样力量无疑对年轻的艺术家更是种诱惑。在今天这种商业与艺术边界逐渐消融的时期,品牌会说:今天的精品同样是艺术;艺术也会说:艺术品同样也可是商品。但更多人希望的是:无论以什么样的名义,为生活带来真正精神滋养和积极思索的,才是在人们的生活中有存在价值的艺术及其精品。 The close connection between business and art is nothing new today. At the recent ceremony of the award ceremony of “Martell extraordinary artists”, Zeng Hao, an oil artist who was aware of the changing times, and Shi Hui, a space artist who cares for the humanities and nature, , Surpassing time and space photographer Miao Xiaochun and fashion photographer Paul - Luo Weixi, was named the 2007 annual Martell extraordinary artistic figures. Among the four winning artists, all three Chinese artists have an influence in the field of contemporary Chinese art. When commenting on the artist’s accomplishments, the commentary gives different definitions and interpretations of different artistic qualities. We can see that this way of combining business with the arts, while expanding each other’s fields of intervention, leverages each other’s efforts to win wider social impacts. So in this mutual promotion, the art of today seems to have become more energetic. Leveraging the win-win commercial operation has gradually become an effective way for artists to become acquainted with art more quickly in today’s Chinese artistic environment, and commercial brands themselves are better known in the name of art in their positioning of consumer groups as they are basis. In such a situation, the pace of Chinese contemporary art seems to be more dynamic, and the success of the exemplary role is undoubtedly more tempting for young artists. In today’s period of gradual melting of the boundaries of commerce and art, the brand will say: Today’s fine art is also art; art also says art is equally a commodity. However, more people hope that no matter what kind of name they bring, their true spiritual nourishment and positive thinking will bring about the existence of art and its quality in people’s lives.
目的通过分析2014—2015年长白口岸鼠类监测结果,掌握长白口岸地区鼠类的种类构成和携带汉坦病毒的情况,为进一步制定肾综合症出血热防控措施提供科学依据。方法 2014年5月—
人在江湖要有个人脉,一些流行用语实际上起到了润滑人际关系的作用,好听的话永远有市场。这个年代的办公室里,人际润滑语包括如下词汇…… People in the arena must have a
宗旨:本会以推动两岸文化艺术发展交流,发扬中国文化艺术为宗旨,依有关法令规定办理下列业务: 一、办理中国书画、陶艺相关艺术品之推广展览事项。二、促进两岸文化艺术交流