本刊1972年第1期介绍了 FDC—2型α—射线厚度计,FGL—2型γ—射线料位计,FGDR—1型γ—射线密度计。本期,我们再谈谈射线及防护问题。一、射线并不可怕同位素仪表是依据射线的某些规律而制成的,因此放射源是它不可缺少的组成部分。但是,由于帝修反核恐怖的反动宣传,加之有些同志对射线的规律还缺乏全面了解,所以一听到射线就觉得神秘而可怕,不敢或不愿应用同位素仪表,这就在一定程度上影响了同位素仪表的推广和应用,使得一些本来可以测量的工业参数得不到解决,从而使产品
The first issue in 1972 published a FDC-2 type α-ray thickness meter, FGL-2 type γ-ray level meter, FGDR-1 type γ-ray density meter. This issue, we will talk about ray and protection issues. First, the ray is not terrible Isotope instrument is based on certain rules of radiation and made, so the radioactive source is an integral part of it. However, due to the reactionary propaganda of the imperialist revisionism and the anti-nuclear terrorism and the lack of comprehensive understanding of the law of radiation by some comrades, it is somewhat mysterious and terrifying to hear the rays that they are afraid or unwilling to use isotope instruments The promotion and application of isotope instruments, making some of the original can not measure the industrial parameters, so that the product