The Tale of Feng Xian

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AS the third daughter of an immortal fox called Pi Weng, Feng Xian married a poor xiucai (one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties) named Liu Chishui. Once when Pi Weng’s three sons-in-law had gathered to chat in his home, Feng Xian felt wronged by her father, who loved the rich and looked down upon the poor. Rashly she let Liu Chishui leave her home. When they parted she gave him a mirror and said, “Go home and put all your energies into study. Make a good show for your wife. I’m waiting for you in this mirror.” AS the third daughter of an immortal fox called Pi Weng, Feng Xian married a poor xiucai (one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties) named Liu Chishui. Once when Pi Weng’s three sons-in-law had gathered to chat in his home, Feng Xian felt wronged by her father, who loved the rich and looked down upon the poor. Rashly she let Liu Chishui leave her home. When they parted she gave him a mirror and said, “Go home and put all your energies into study. Make a good show for your wife. I’m waiting for you in this mirror. ”
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