The Research of Bt and OC Gene Cotransformation in Tobacco Chloroplast

来源 :中国农业科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenshi_shen
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The Bt Cry IA (C) chloroplast expression cassette and OC chloroplast expression cassette were constructed. The Bt expression cassette contained the 3.5 kb wild type Bt Cry IA (C) gene under the control of the strong light-induced psbA promoter and terminator from rice (Oryza sativa. L) chloroplast, the gene:trnH-psbA-trnk from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum. L) as the homologous fragment. The OC chloroplast expression cassette contained the OC gene under the control of 16S promoter and terminator from tobacco, the tobacco gene: psbA-ORF512 as homologous fragment. The two cassettes both had the aadA gene expression cassette as the selectable marker. Leaves of tobacco were cotransformed with the particle bombardment method. After selection by spectinomycin, the transformants were obtained. The integration of Bt and OC gene were confirmed by Southern-blotting analysis, and Western-blotting analysis. Proteinase inhibitor assays showed that the Bt and OC gene had expressed. Bioassays showed that the transgenic tobacco had a significant resistance to the larvae of cotton bollworm ( helicoverpa zea ).
目的 研究人参皂甙Rg3(简称Rg3)对人鼻咽低分化鳞癌HNE-1细胞体外血管形成的作用.方法 采用不同浓度Rg3作用HNE-1细胞,观察HNE-1细胞在Matrigel胶上形成血管网状结构的特点;
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377 isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were collected from 17 provinces in China and their geographic distribution of mating types and their fertility was tested wi
目的 了解中国伤害预防控制机构和专业队伍的建设现况.方法 采用自行设计的问卷对38个省(市、自治区)疾病预防控制中心(CDC)进行信防调查,应用描述性流行病学方法对资料进行
本研究通过调查苏氨酸与赖氨酸的比率对猪生长性能、表观可消化能和血液尿素氮 (BUN)浓度的影响 , 估测生长阉公猪和小母猪所需最佳苏氨酸与赖氨酸的比率 . 试验采用 150头杂