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厦门港务局同安刘五店码头公司有两个500吨级兼靠1000吨级船舶的小泊位,腹地货源不很充裕,机械设备规模较小。但就是这颗厦门港不起眼的小小“明珠”,今年上半年就完成吞吐量10万多吨,比快速发展的去年同期还多了35%。“明珠”耀眼的秘诀是什么呢?公司经理陈明德一“词”道破天机——服务。 主雅“客”来勤。刘五店码头主要货源是南安的石板材出口上海等地,以及粮食、燃油的进口,货种较单一。公司积极发挥小快灵的优势,尽量减少装卸中间环节,几乎从没有出现过货或船等人装卸的拖沓场面。为了防止装卸过程中刁难货主的现象,公司设立了货主举报箱,欢迎货主反馈情况,并不定期派两至三名后勤干部或各部门负责人到码头现场抽查监督,发现问题严惩不贷。7月份公司还针对外面运输单位一名司机在出港区时私自将两袋麦麸卖掉的事件进行了严肃处理。公司的良苦用心稳定了老货主,也为公司今后争取开辟出口日本或港澳业务打出了信誉。 唱好对“台”戏。刘五店码头由于跟金门一水相隔而被省政府列为对台贸易码头和台轮固定停泊点。公司利用这种独特的地理和政策优势,积极拓展对台贸易,为台商提供优质服务。由于码头承载负荷限制使得平台不能 Xiamen Port Authority Tong’an Liu Wudian Terminal The company has two small berths of 500-ton and 1000-tonnage vessels. The supply in the hinterland is not abundant and the scale of the machinery and equipment is relatively small. However, it is a small “pearl” portentous to Xiamen Harbor. In the first half of this year, the throughput exceeded 100,000 tons, 35% more than the rapid development of the same period last year. “Pearl” dazzling secret is what is it? Company manager Chen Mingde a “word” Road breaking the secret - service. Master Ya “off” to diligence. Liu Wudian terminal is the main source of Nanan stone plate exports to Shanghai and other places, as well as grain and fuel imports, the goods more than a single. Companies play an active role in small mercenary, to minimize the middle part of the handling, almost never seen the goods or the handling of ships and other procrastination scene. In order to prevent the process of handling unmanageable cargo owners, the company set up the owner report box to welcome the owner feedback, and does not regularly send two or three logistics cadres or department heads to the spot checks and supervision, found that the problem severely punished. In July, the company also took a serious look at a case where a driver of an outside transport unit sold two bags of wheat bran in private when leaving the port. The company’s hardworking and stability of the old owner, but also for the company’s future development for export to Japan or Hong Kong and Macao business hit a reputation. Sing good on “Taiwan” drama. Liu Wudian Terminal as the water with the Golden Gate separated by the provincial government as Taiwan’s trade dock and Tai Wan fixed berth. Companies using this unique geographical and policy advantages, and actively expand trade with Taiwan, to provide quality services to Taiwan. The platform can not be used due to the load limit of the wharf
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