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“民以食为天”是中国人的传统情结,如今社会在发展,人们对吃也有了新的要求:吃什么?怎样吃?如何吃得科学卫生,对身体有益,这个话题就深刻多了。编辑部经常收到读者来信要我们解惑答疑。说明了读者对饮食科学的极大兴趣,这当然是一件好事。前不久就有读者来信询问:既然健康人的体液应该呈中性或弱碱性(pH值≈7.36~7.44)而人体质的酸碱性的调节水平之一是由膳食来调节的,那么带酸味的醋究竟是酸性还是碱性的物质呢?这个问题提的有一定水平,至少是认识了膳食酸碱平衡对人体的重要性,但是碰到了具体问题,比如酸性物质与酸性食物的区别等还是没有搞清楚。为了解答这个大家普遍关心的问题,本刊特发表由南开大学分子生物学与生物化学专家李建民教授和文化人类学研究者许先编审合写的书稿《国人眼中的食性·酸碱平衡与生命现象》,从本期起开始连载,以飨读者。这是一本诠释生命现象中酸碱平衡现象的科普读物。该书把深奥复杂的营养学、分子生物学、生物化学、文化人类学、中医学用《易经》、阴阳、五行的方法去分析诠释,以中西文化交融的视点去综合解决。书中提出了作者的新的学术观点,即关于食物的酸碱性系阴阳属性物化的观点;关于《周易》与阴阳五行合参中偏碱论的观点;关于人体的酸碱性体质可调可变的观点;? Nowadays, there is a new tradition in Chinese society for the development of the community. What is the best way to eat? How to eat? How to eat is scientific and hygienic? . The editorial board often receives letters from readers asking us to answer doubts. This shows the reader’s great interest in diet science, which of course is a good thing. Someone shortly before the letter asked: Since healthy human body fluids should be neutral or weakly alkaline (pH ≈ 7.36 ~ 7.44) and the physical constitution of the acid-base regulation is adjusted by the diet, then the band Sour vinegar is acidic or alkaline substances? This question to mention a certain level, at least to understand the importance of dietary acid-base balance on the human body, but encountered specific problems, such as the difference between acidic and acidic foods Still not clear. In order to answer this common concern, we published a manuscript written and co-authored by Professor Li Jianmin, a professor of molecular biology and biochemistry at Nankai University, and Xu Xianxian, an anthropologist of culture and anthropology. “The diet, acid-base balance and life phenomena ”, Starting from this issue serialized to readers. This is a popular reading of the phenomena of acid-base balance in the interpretation of life phenomena. The book to profound complex nutrition, molecular biology, biochemistry, cultural anthropology, Chinese medicine with the “Book of Changes”, yin and yang, five elements of the method to analyze and interpret, to blend the perspective of Chinese and Western cultures to comprehensive solution. The book presents the author’s new academic point of view, that is, on the physical and chemical properties of food Yin and Yang materialized point of view; on the “Book of Changes” and yin and yang and five elements in the perspective of the theory of partial alkali; Variable views;
摘 要: 社会主义经济不断发展,高职学生校园自主创业成为一大社会特征。在成功的案例中,社会给予很高的评价与肯定,可那些失败者却无人问津,对此我们不能片面地评价好与坏,对与错。这需要我们理性的分析与思考。不断完善校园创业体系,为学生提供良好、健康的平台才是正确的做法。  关键词: 五年制高职生 校园创业 利弊 校园文化     一、高职生校园创业的利弊  在现行的社会主义市