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写字教学,特别是低年级的写字指导应成为语文教学中重要的组成部分,也是弘扬和传承民族文化的重要途径。让将来的孩子不要仅仅是键盘的能手更应该是书法的圣手,让写好字成为孩子人生中的精彩。一、紧扣写字教学的目标要求,稳步实施写字目标语文课标把“写字”的总目标定为“能正确工整地书写汉字,并有一定的速度”。并特别强调要养成正确的写字姿势和良好的写字习惯。这就要求老师在课堂教学实践中,不是让学生写得漂亮、美观,而是重点强调正确和工整,因此在布置写字要 Writing teaching, especially in the lower grades, should become an important component of Chinese teaching and an important way to promote and inherit the national culture. Let the future children not only a master of the keyboard should be a calligrapher, so that writing a good word in the child’s life. First, the teaching of writing close to the target requirements, and steadily implement the goal of writing language class “” writing “the overall goal is ” can correctly and neatly write Chinese characters, and have a certain speed ". With particular emphasis on the need to develop the correct writing posture and good writing habits. This requires teachers in the classroom teaching practice, not to write students beautiful, beautiful, but the emphasis on correct and neat, so in the layout of the writing
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