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前言一般来说,根据划分标准的不同,空调行业习惯将家用空调分为几大类。根据内机外形,可分为挂机、柜机、窗机3种。其中,在我国国内市场上销售的主要是挂机和柜机,窗机虽有生产,但主要销往国外。根据制冷量的不同,可以将挂机分为小1P、1P、小1.5P、1.5P、2P以及2P以上;将柜机分为小2P、2P、2.5P、3P、4P以及4P以上。根据各品牌自身的生产情况略有不同。在这两种分类方法中,尤以第二种分类方法显得细致。消费者根据房间面积的不同,选择适合自己的机型。尽管空调机型分类很多,但市场上销售的空调还是有一定的侧重,各机型市场占有率悬殊明显。目前,正是一年空调销售的旺季,由于前段时间原材料价格上涨等因素,各品牌通过控制产品结构主动调整了渠道供货价格,这也导致了部分机型在部分区域出现结构性货源紧张。为了更清楚地了解全国空调市场产品结构的大致情况,近期,本刊对全国主要区域空调市场进行了抽样调查。 Preface In general, according to the different standards, air conditioning industry used to be divided into several categories of household air conditioners. According to the internal shape, can be divided into on-hook, Guiji, three kinds of window machines. Among them, sales in China’s domestic market is mainly on-hook and Guiji, although the production of window machines, but mainly sold abroad. According to the different cooling capacity, can be divided into small on-hook 1P, 1P, small 1.5P, 1.5P, 2P and 2P above; the cabinet is divided into small 2P, 2P, 2.5P, 3P, 4P and 4P above . According to the brand’s own production slightly different. In the two classification methods, especially the second classification method is meticulous. Consumers according to the different area of ​​the room, choose their own models. Although many types of air conditioning models, but the air conditioning on sale in the market or have a certain focus, the market share of various models great disparity. At present, it is the peak season of air-conditioning sales for one year. Due to the factors such as the price rise of raw materials in the previous period, various brands have actively adjusted the channel supply prices by controlling the product structure. This has led to the structural shortage of supply of some models in some regions. In order to understand the general situation of the product structure of the air conditioner market in China more clearly, we recently conducted a sample survey on the air conditioner market in the major regions of the country.
14岁那年,因为一场突如其来的车祸,我右腿断了,我残疾了。  在医院住了很长一段时间后,我可以拄拐棍下床走一走了。这,让我很自卑,常常黯然掉泪。拐杖,无时不在地提醒我将要错过人生中许多美好的东西,我感觉自己掉进无边无际的黑夜里。  一天晚上,有一个戴着顶漂亮帽子的陌生女孩走进了我的房间,她与我年纪差不多。我的第一个反应是,女孩子走错了房间。可是,事情并不是这样的,女孩子说她从我妈妈那里得知我的情绪
第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。 A Two weeks after the openi
I.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.I am rather uncertain whether I’ve made the right decision. A.ast0 B.on C.to D.for 2.It is reported that tw
第二卷第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:短文改错(10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) In China there is about 50 million disabledpeople.We should try our best ma