来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouqin1983
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A novel process for synthesizing nano-ceramics powders, named mechanical & therm al activation processing, is discussed in the present paper. It is a processing based on thermal activation in liquid phase (molten salt) after mechanical activ ation. The nanometer-sized TiC particles (15-20nm) have been synthesized by the method, and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscop e (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersion X-ray (EDX) sp ectroscopy. An interface interaction between liquid (molten salt) and solid (fin al product particles) phases plays a dominating role for the control of product particles size. The mechanism for the formation of nanometer-sized TiC particles has been discussed. A novel process for synthesizing nano-ceramic powders, named mechanical & therm al activation processing, is discussed in the present paper. It is a processing based on thermal activation in liquid phase (molten salt) after mechanical activation. The nanometer-sized TiC particles (15-20 nm) have been synthesized by the method, and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscop e (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersion X-ray (EDX) sp ectroscopy. An interface interaction between liquid (molten salt) and solid (fin al product particles) phases plays a dominating role for the control of product particle size. The mechanism for the formation of nanometer-sized TiC particles has been discussed.
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“知人论世”是传统的读书方法,历来受到语文阅读教学的重视。在教学实践中,作品背景介绍的方法方式经历了许多的变化,教师口述、文字介绍、教学案预习、多媒体视频展示、学生课外收集等等,但基本不外乎“作者生平——写作背景——意义分析”流水线式的操作,将作者情况及作品背景视为理解作品的重要途径,甚至将这一过程作为完整的教学不可或缺的一个环节,无视其与作品理解的关系。  阅读的本质是读者与文本、读者与作者之间
在语文教学中,适时适“度”地进行德育渗透,是语文教学的重要任务,是语文课堂教学的有机组成部分,也是目前实施素质教育,培养全面发展的学生的迫切需要。那么,怎样才能做到“适度”而“不及度”或“过度”呢?我认为,首先应从语言文字入手,做到如下几点:  一.据文悟道,准确把握语文教学中德育渗透的精度  大凡文章,不论诗歌、散文,还是戏剧、小说,都是语言文字与思想内容的有机统一,即“文”与“道”的结合,其中
答案  吉吉是按数字上下颠倒会怎样来分组的。1、3、8、0颠倒后还与原来基本相同;6、9颠倒过来,6变成9,9变成6;2、5颠倒过来,倒2很像5,倒5很像2;只有倒4什么也不像。  苏苏的分法:1、3、7、8注音为阴平,即第一声;2、4、6注音都是去声,即第四声;5、9注音为上声,即第三声;0注音为阳平,即第二声。楚楚的分法:4、5是两画,其余数字都是一画。
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