
来源 :英语学习·新锐空间 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colinvin
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  I strongly feel that our teaching methods in schools are killing creativity. Students have lost their capacity of creation simply because our teaching methods don’t stimulate innovation and creativity.1
  Years continue to pass, some students graduate, some fail out, some drop out and nothing really changes. The education system reminds me of2 a dictator that is unwilling to step down.
  I’m aware that no education system is perfect, and I believe they are all the same across the world. We memorize, study for the test and forget.
  Remember being a kid and wanting to play around? No one told you how to use your imagination or taught you how to be creative. You played with LEGOS3. You pretended you were an astronaut and imagined traveling in space. Being naturally creative, you asked questions like “Why is the grass green?” and“Are we alone?”—questions no wise man could answer.
  Then came school, and you had this teacher who told you to stop dreaming and live in reality. So what did you learn at school? You learned to stop questioning the world, to go with the flow, and that there’s only one right answer to each question.
  The “whys” you have always wanted to ask are never on the test, and they are omitted4 from the curriculum.
  Creativity isn’t a test to take, a skill to learn, or a program to develop. Creativity is seeing things in new ways, breaking barriers that stood in front of you for some time. Creativity is the art of hearing a song that has never been written or seeing a work of art on empty canvas.5 Its essence is in its freshness and the ability to make dreams come to life.
  还记得小时候想玩耍的时候吗?没人告诉你如何运用想象力,也没人教你怎样才能创新。你玩乐高积木。你假装是个宇航员,想象你在太空遨游。你很自然地表现出创新意识,你问 “为什么草是绿色的?”或是“除了我们还有别的(类似人的智能)生物吗?”——这些问题即使是圣贤也无法回答。
  In school, children are “taught” to draw shapes like a “perfect” triangle6. Everything is“properly” drawn. Whenever a child attempts to color something, the teacher screams in panic:“Do NOT color outside the lines!”7
  Today’s teaching techniques are taking the beauty out of learning. Diminishing8 creativity from our student’s mind is a serious problem with wide-reaching effects.
  How exactly are schools diminishing creativity?
  We learn that being “good” means sitting still and nodding yes, while being “bad” means attempting to do things differently.
  How do we expect students to be creative if teachers give them the outline, the title, and the structure of their “creative writing assignment?”We give students model answers to memorize, we give a specific title to write a poem about, and we truly give them everything but the freedom to express their ideas.
  Education isn’t about facts being stored in our minds so that we can get tested on them. Education is the beauty to nurture creativity, to fuel curiosity and to create a well-rounded person. In the 21st century, the world demands students who can think creatively and critically. As technology develops, we will have robots to do all the basic work for us. However, it is our mission to ensure that the world will be full of inventors, musicians, painters, mathematicians who will, in turn, bring humanity to another level.
  1. stimulate: 促进,激 innovation: 新观念,新方法,新发
  2. remind sb. of: 使想起(某事)。
  3. LEGOS: 乐高公司推出的乐高积木玩具,由五彩的塑料积木、齿轮、迷你小人和各种不同其他零件组成,孩子可用其拼成各种事物。
  4. omit: 省去,略去。
  5. art: 在本文中的第一个art是“技术,技巧”的意思,而第二个art是“艺术”之意;canvas: 帆布,画布。
  6. triangle: 三角形。
  7. scream: 惊叫;panic: 恐慌。
  8. diminish: 降低,削弱。
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1 ensemble:组合,整体效果;old:用过的;