
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovehlq
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随着对《幼儿园工作规程(试行)》学习贯彻的深入,环境对幼儿发展的重要性已越来越为广大幼教工作者重视。许多地区还进行了幼儿园环境创设的检查评比活动,使保教人员日渐认识了环境对育人的重要性。但与此同时也出现了一些走极端的现象。如有的幼儿园为了在评比中获得好名次,不惜花大价钱买来各种材料美化环境,却没有充分利用废旧的材料。一些幼儿园在辛辛苦苦创设环境时往往忽略了一个很重要的因素,这就是没有将幼儿的需要,幼儿的发展放在第一位来考虑。这就大大地削弱了环境教育的功能。那么,幼儿园的环境怎样与幼儿的发展相协调?环境设置怎样考虑到幼儿的需要、兴趣和爱好呢?日本于1990年发行的《幼儿园教育指导书》第三章第一 With the deepening of the study and implementation of the Kindergarten Procedures (Trial Implementation), the importance of the environment to the development of young children has become more and more emphasized by the majority of preschool education workers. In many areas, a check-and-comparison activity has also been conducted on the creation of a kindergarten environment so that the instructors are increasingly aware of the importance of the environment for educating people. But at the same time, some extreme phenomena appeared. If some kindergartens in order to get a good ranking in the competition, at a high price to buy a variety of materials to beautify the environment, but did not make full use of waste materials. Some kindergartens often neglect a very important factor in their painstaking efforts to create an environment. This is because the needs of young children and the development of young children are not taken into consideration first. This has greatly weakened the function of environmental education. So, how the kindergarten environment and child care development coordination? Environmental settings How to take into account the needs of children, interests and hobbies? Japan issued in 1990, "Kindergarten Education Guide Chapter III of the first
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